Shields in Lords of the Fallen (LotF) are pieces of protective equipment that provide defense against the world's Enemies and Bosses. Typically wielded in the off-hand, Shields are capable of guarding, parrying, and bashing.

Lords of the Fallen Blocking

Blocking is governed by the Shields percentage of block protection, each shield has a certain resistance to each of the main damage stats: Physical, Fire, Holy, and Wither. Whenever you block this percentage will be subtracted from the attack's damage, and you will also lose a set amount of stamina depending on how much Stability the item has.

To Block, players have to hold L1/LB. Do note that blocking enemy attacks withers your health.

Stat Requirements

if you do not reach the stat requirement for the shield, it will no longer reduce damage taken, but will still change damage taken to wither and allow parrying

Lords of the Fallen Parrying

Parry enemy attacks just before impact to deliver high posture damage. You will receive wither damage but if the enemy gets staggered you can deliver a Grievous Strike dealing tremendous damage. Withered health can be recovered by damaging enemies. However, you will lose it all instantly if you are struck.


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The Lords of the Fallen Shields


Light Shields


Medium Shields


Heavy Shields


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    • Anonymous

      Grey and brown, grey and brown, grey and brown. Is Lords of the Fallen set in a world where paint was never invented?

      • Anonymous

        So what's the actual difference between shield types? Light shields parry easier vs lower stability and greatshield have better block but suck at parrying? There's no explanation anywhere about the difference between small, medium and large shields. Does anyone know?

        • Anonymous

          Casters, the shield you are looking for is the sanctified huntress shield, get triple mana regen slotted and go to town

          • Anonymous

            i added mana and life reg runes to the shilds. the reg isnt that high but between fights its nuff to keep ya up without sangi or stones along with the rings i saved alot of vigor that way.

            • Anonymous

              so is there actually a difference to parry frames in this game? is there a point at all to parrying with a light shield vs just your weapon, or a difference between the three shield types? strange how the parry section has zero info on this at all.

              • Anonymous

                Seems like only a few shields are good for Casters. Namely Sanctified Huntress Shield for pure Radiance / Inferno (suck it up and put 2 points in Radiance) + 3 Narton (MP Regen) + Manastone Ring (MP Regen)

                Mix Umbral+Radiant/Inferno can go for the above + Ring of Radiant Preeminence or Charred Root Ring or both instead of Manastone Ring
                Umbral Spells only: Lightreaper's Shield for its ability to slot in 3 Tumul (HP Regen) + Pendant of Atrophy + Queen Verena II's (HP Regen)

                Could also use Heavy Memento / Ravager Greatshield / Shield of Whispers + Crafter's Essence rune (remove weight / equip requirement) for greater blocks. You'd just be down 1 HP or MP regen.

                Sad part is Nartun seems to be a once per playthrough Rune. So probably want someone to mule some to you.

                • Anonymous

                  Why block with a shield if I get wither damage anyway, even when blocking with weapons? Only a stability thing or what?

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