Inner Serpent Pendant

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Dodging reloads your crossbow automatically.

Inner Serpent Pendant is one of the Pendants available in Lords of the Fallen (LotF). Inner Serpent Pendant is a stone pendant, intricately carved, that automatically reloads a crossbow after dodging. The sculptor's belief in the lurking serpent within influenced this design, reflecting sudden, treacherous strikes.


An intricately carved stone pendant. Dodging reloads your crossbow automatically.

The bitter sculptor who carved this pendant chose the design to represent his belief that everyone had a treacherous, merciless serpent writhing inside their mind, ready to strike at those around them without any notice or provocation.


Where to Find Inner Serpent Pendant in Lords of the Fallen

Inner Serpent Pendant can be found in the following Location:

  • Manse of the Hallowed Brothers: While in the Umbral in the hidden room, look to the left of the Stigma to find another hole in the wall. Heading through it will allow you to navigate the wooden beams above the building's floors. Carefully make your way to the final wooden beam to grab the Inner Serpent Pendant.

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Lords of the Fallen Inner Serpent Pendant Notes & Tips

  • Hidden Lore: None (Requires N/A to unlock)
  • Other notes and player tips go here



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    • Anonymous

      Starting from the Vestige of Brother Jeremiah:
      Exit the building, and go directly across the yard. Go up the stairs, and go through the door on the right - it's the door you need the Kitchen Key to open.

      From that door, go up the stairs, along the walkway, and enter the room with a bloodstained cross on the floor. Proceed across the room to the next hallway, which should have an Effigy below a window to the left.

      Travel to the other end of the hall from the Effigy, go through the door, and go up the stairs to the base of the statue of a bearded guy holding a cross on a disk. Take the stairs on the right, proceeding until you find a ladder downward to the front and a set of stairs upward to the left.

      Shine your lantern on the wall at the top of the stairs, and step through the wall into the secret room. Across this secret room, there is a wall with a hole in it. Shine the lantern on the wall, and step through the wall. Don't lower your lantern until you're on a wooden beam, or you'll fall. Carefully make your way along the beam walkway, and the pendant will be at the end.

      When writing directions, it is helpful to use landmarks, preferably landmarks that are consistently present in everyone's game. Otherwise, the directions are useless. I don't know why this needs to be said.

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