Patch Notes for Lords of the Fallen (LotF) covers information on changes and fixes that are deployed by the game's developer, Hexworks. These patches are free and delivered online via PlayStation Network, Xbox Live, or Steam, and often fix performance and localization bugs.

LOTF Roadmap Revealed

Hexworks has completed a content roadmap for the year 2023 and 2024. Divided into two sections labeled as "ongoing Weekly Enhancements" that were rolled out weekly and cover things like Stability, Performance, QoL Tweaks, and more things that improve on the status of the game. On the other hand, there are updates labeled as  "Currently in development" which refer to more specific things that are about to be released.

The remaining 13 items are diverse types of content. From new Armor Sets, and Questlines, to new pack of Spells, added stash inventory space, as well as gamepad rebinding or even New Game + Modifiers.

LOTF Roadmap Video



Lords of the Fallen Patch Notes



Lords of the Fallen Update v.1.5

April 24th, 2024

Live now on all platforms
Greetings Lampbearers,
Today marks the arrival of Version 1.5 - Master of Fate, the culmination of over 30 updates released since launch, resulting in significantly improved performance, stability and optimisation, alongside rigorous difficulty balancing in response to your feedback.

As part of this, we’re delighted to also release our highly-anticipated Advanced Game Modifier System, available to all players (both new and old), granting the ability to fully customise your playthrough. This now concludes the Free Content Roadmap announced shortly after launch, which has added the following content and quality of life enhancements for Lords of the Fallen, vastly improving the experience for all players:

  • Significant performance, optimisation and stability improvements

  • Rigorous difficulty balancing including mob density reduction & nerfed ranged attacks

  • Split PvP and PvE game balancing

  • Online multiplayer enhancements for improved matchmaking and connection stability

  • New questlines including Season of the Bleak, Trial of the Three Spirits, and Way of the Bucket

  • New armour and weapon sets

  • Additional secret boss weapon abilities

  • Improved boss encounters with additional movesets & new AI

  • 12 new spells including the arena-devastating Immolation

  • New grievous strikes: each weapon family now features two unique finishers: one for single-handed wielding and another for two-handed wielding

  • 3 new projectiles: Blood Vomit, Explosive Mines, and Frost Worms.

  • QOL updates including: inventory expansion, appearance reset, storage functionality & gamepad rebinding

The latest new feature – the Advanced Game Modifier System - places power directly into your hands, allowing you to fully customise your game experience, using any combination of seven modifiers, to make the game easier, more difficult, or simply a completely new experience every time. Modifiers include the ability to randomise enemies, alter mob density and even enable a form of permadeath. Please find additional details in the new video below, with an introduction from our Head of Studio, Saul Gascon:

Advanced Game Modifier Options

Ironman: Dying in Umbral resets your current playthrough, and you will awaken at the start once again. The world progression is reset, but player progression and inventory is retained. Certain scripted moments are excluded from this.

Pre-Upgraded Loot: Weapons, shields and catalysts found as loot from enemies, or in the world, will come pre-upgraded based on your player level.

Randomized Loot: Loot dropped by enemies, and found in the world, is randomized. Does not affect quest and progression items, nor unique boss items.

Randomized Enemies: Enemies encountered in the world now appear in a random order. Does not impact named boss enemies.

More Enemies: The world contains significantly more enemies.

Withered Healing: All healing received is Withered Healing, and must be confirmed by dealing damage to enemies.

Vestige Decay:
- No Vestige Decay: No Vestige has withered away, leaving you all possible places of respite.
- Minor Vestige Decay: Some Vestiges have withered away, leaving you with fewer places of respite.
- Extensive Vestige Decay: Many Vestiges have withered away, often leaving you without rest for long stretches.
- Tremendous Vestige Decay: All Vestiges, except for a rare few, have withered away. Truly, a restless experience.

How to Activate the Advanced Game Modifier System

1. Start Lords of the Fallen

2. Choose New Game

3. Make your Class Selection and customize your character’s appearance

4. On the final screen of the Character Creator navigate to the right button Advanced Game Modifiers

5. Enable Advanced Game Modifiers

6. Choose a character name

7. Press Play

8. The Game Modifiers screen appears

9. Select any combination of modifiers, and Confirm.

We hope you all enjoy returning to Mournstead with an all-new purpose, or if this is the first time you’re embarking, then the very best of luck, Lampbearer.

In Light, We Walk.

Patch v1.5.17 - Additional Updates


  • Players can now make use of AMD's latest FSR version.

Additional Changes

  • Fixed an issue in multiplayer that could cause the player to fall through the elevator, if the coop partner interacted with the corresponding lever while the elevator was still moving.

  • Increased the maximum stack count of Vestige Seeds from 5 to 99.

  • Fixed a rare crash caused by AI under special circumstances.

Lords of the Fallen Update v.1.1.638

March 27th, 2024


  • Fixed an issue that could cause the host's input to become unresponsive after interacting with an Emergency Effigy while a coop partner triggered a cinematic.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the Blessed Reflections spell to work properly for an invader in Crimson Rituals.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the Infernal Hounds spell to work properly for an invader in Crimson Rituals.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the Seared Soul spell to work properly for an invader in Crimson Rituals.
  • Fixed an issue that allowed invaders to deal wither damage to the host immediately after transitioning to Umbral.


  • Fixed an issue in the character creator that wrongly stated Face Texture instead of Fine Tuning.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Umbral Distortion effects to get reactivated unexpectedly.
  • Fixed an issue that caused certain menu items to get highlighted wrongly when using a mouse.
  • Fixed an issue with Tincts that allowed players to use the "Apply to all" function even when no Tinct was selected.


  • Fixed an issue that caused Umbral objects to load in visibly while traversing through Forsaken Fen.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Umbral objects to load in visibly while traversing through Forsaken Fen.


  • Balancing pass to auto-adjust values for Crimson Rituals once a matchup has started. This change will balance out stats of characters of different power levels to create a fairer PVP experience.
  • Added a missing hazard volume to the small lava pool in front of the Vestige of the Bloody Pilgrim.
  • Fixed an issue that caused a prolonged hitch to appear after siphoning an Umbral Parasite in the boss encounter with Blessed Carrion Knight Sanisho.


Lords of the Fallen Update v.1.1.626

March 22nd, 2024


  • Fixed an issue that allowed players to look out of the game world using the photo mode near the boss arena with the Spurned Progeny.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the game world to stream in visibly upon leaving Skyrest Bridge towards Sanctuary.
  • Fixed an issue that allowed players to see out of the game world using photo mode near the entrance to the Mines.
  • Fixed an issue that allowed players to see out of the game world in one of the caves in Pilgrim's Perch.
  • Fixed an issue that could briefly show the Skinstealer standing in the boss arena before playing his actual spawn animation.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause Umbral objects to visibly load near Redcopse Windmill.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause Umbral objects to visibly load in the boss arena of Tancred, Master of Castigations.
  • Fixed an issue that spawned wrong death particles on enemies.


  • Fixed an issue that could cause the menu selection to return to the top of the settings list when adjusting certain options in the Display Settings.
  • Adding a warning popup to indicate the reset of character customization when switching body types in the character creator.
  • Fixed an issue that wrongly displayed placeholder text and icon when nothing was selected in the Rune tab in the Inventory.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause wrong shop prices to be displayed after freeing Sparky.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the Inventory item counter to not update correctly without reopening the Inventory.


  • Improved multiplayer experience to reduce rubberbanding and desynchronization of 2 and 3 player matchups. In addition, this change should give a small performance boost in all areas of the game.
  • Fixed an issue in multiplayer that could cause the coop partner to lose their input after being teleported to the host.
  • Fixed an issue that allowed coop partners to receive Severed Hands upon defeating Invaders when using a password to matchmake.

Level Design 

  • Fixed an issue that allowed players to skip a part of Pilgrim's Perch by jumping on wooden assets near the middle part of the area.
  • Fixed an issue that allowed players to skip the boss encounter with the Hushed Saint by jumping on Umbral objects close to the bonfire in Forsaken Fen.


  • Fixed an issue that allowed players to skip Bramis Castle by defeating the last Conflagrant Seer with a Corrupted Banner Javelin.
  • Fixed an issue that could prevent enemies to trigger aggro if they were affected by a status effect.


  • Fixed a crash that could occur when pressing the Load Game button while the savegames were still loading in.
  • Fixed a rare crash that could occur when selecting the Apply to All option for Tincts.


  • Increased the overall damage received by players by 10% in PVP.


  • Fixed a rare issue that could cause players to get stuck in the ground when starting a new game.
  • Adjusted streaming volumes to improve performance near the Vestige of the Bloody Pilgrim.
  • Fixed an issue that could prevent players from entering the boss arena with Griefbound Rowena through the moth wall while in Umbral due to Umbral enemies blocking the entrance to the arena.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the Bucketlord NPC to play the correct animation when being grabbed by Carrion Knights.


Lords of the Fallen Update v.1.1.598

March 14th, 2024

Pieta Bossfight & HUB Performance Optimization
You may notice that on your way to Skyrest, there is some construction work going on in Mournstead, this is to allow Pieta enough time to get fully battle-ready for your upcoming duel.

AMD Stability Improvement
We’ve extensively worked with our partners over at AMD to identify and resolve crashes experienced by players with AMD-specific hardware.

Ending Blocker Fixed
From players’ reports through our support we were able to uncover and resolve a rare blocker that prevented finishing the game. This issue should now be fixed. If you come across any other issues within Lords of the Fallen, please reach out via .

PVP Balancing
As alluded to above, in this patch we have turned our attention to various PVP balancing, to increase overall player satisfaction in multiplayer.

  • PVP damage multiplier reduced 0.5 > 0.25 - From your feedback and our own experiences, we felt that time-to-kill was disproportionate to optimal combat. As a result, we have decreased the PVP damage multiplayer by half, this should allow all players the opportunity to engage in more gratifying combat.
  • Stabs PVP damage multiplier increased overall (1.0 > 2.0 for all weapons except UGS, which is 1.0 > 1.25) - Lacking a certain oomph that we felt stabbing in combat deserved, we have increased the overall PVP damage multiplier by 2x (except UGS). This should increase the desire to perform effective stabs whilst in PVP combat.
  • Harrower Dervla's Crossbow PVP damage overall reduced 1.0 > 0.33 - We have noticed a popular combo dominate PVP combat in recent weeks, which we felt needed some slight balancing to increase the variety of play. As such, we have reduced the PVP damage for Harrower Dervla's Crossbow from 1.0 to 0.33.
  • Various spell PVP rebalancing - We have made an overall balancing pass of spells, elevating some spells that could do with an increase in damage, whilst decreasing the damage of other spells that appeared too strong.
  • PVP Status Effect buildup multiplier 0.66 > 0.5 - Due to data observed on our end, we concluded that the PVP status effect buildup was too strong, as a result, we have decreased the buildup multiplier.
  • Dual wield status effect buildup reduced 1.0 > 0.7 - Lastly, we have decreased the Dual wield status buildup effect to positively impact the health of player combat.


  • Fixed a visual glitch with rock assets in the arena with the optional boss encounter with the Lightreaper.
  • Fixed a visual glitch with rock assets on the main path in Defiled Sepulchre.
  • Fixed an issue that allowed players to look out of the world on the roof of a building close to the boss arena in Abbey of the Hallowed Sisters.
  • Fixed an issue that allowed players to look out of the game world due to a hole in the environment near the Vestige of Rosamund.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause blood splatter effects to only be visible up close in front of the boss arena with the Hushed Saint.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause certain assets to visibly disappear when moving away from the Vestige of Lydia the Numb Witch.


  • Adjusted matchmaking to only allow connections between players using the same game version.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the "New Item" badge to reappear after joining a multiplayer session.
  • Fixed an issue in multiplayer that could cause clients to not be affected by frostbite and other effects summoned by the Hollow Crow.
  • Fixed an issue in multiplayer that could cause the host's character to be inivisible for a coop partner in the first scene of the pre-fight cinemantic with the Hushed Saint.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause certain holy weapons to deal additional magic damage in invasions.
  • Fixed a rare crash in multiplayer, that could cause clients to crash when the host's tombstone appeared.


  • Fixed an issue that wrongly displayed the Dark Crusader class unlock prompt upon defeating a lategame boss in Upper Calrath.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the Vestige menu selection to automatically jump back to "Rest" when browsing the Vestige menu while looking for a multiplayer match.
  • Fixed an issue that wrongly displayed health bars above the Sacred Resonance of Tenacity.


  • Adjusted level streaming to improve game performance in Skyrest Bridge.
  • Adjusted level streaming to improve game performance near the boss encounter with the Sundered Monarch.


  • Fixed an issue that could cause Umbral assets to visibly load in at the boss arena with Crimson Rector Percival.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause Umbral assets to visibly load in near the Vestige of the Pale Butcher.


  • Fixed an issue that could cause the Hushed Saint to knock the player out of the boss arena with certain attacks.
  • Fixed a rare blocker that could prevent players from finishing the game due to missing interaction prompts after the boss encounter with the Sundered Monarch.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the Dark Crusader class to be unlocked when finishing the corresponding quest.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause fire VFX to stay on the screen even after the affected enemy has died from "Infernal Weapon".

Hotfix v.1.1.605

  • Fixed an issue that could cause the game to crash in multiplayer.

Lords of the Fallen Update v.1.1.580

March 7th, 2024

Live now on all platforms

Greetings Lampbearers,

With today’s update, we’ve focused on further optimizing the player experience by going through Mournstead with a fine toothcomb, adjusting textures, and going through general bug fixes.

In light, we walk.


  • Fixed an issue in multiplayer that could result in dead NPCs appearing incorrectly for clients.

  • Fixed an issue in multiplayer that may cause a revival failure if the host tried to revive the client immediately upon death.

  • Fixed an issue in multiplayer that could result in the Coop Indicator not appearing for the host player when the co-op partner died.

  • Fixed an issue in Multiplayer that could result in the "Inventory full" pop-up message to appear for the host player if the co-op partner's inventory is full.

  • Fixed an issue in multiplayer that could result in an invading player being able to kill an Umbral parasite.

  • Fixed an issue in multiplayer where an invader could have a loading screen while the host's coop partner was teleported to the host.

  • Fixed an issue in multiplayer that could prevent status effects caused by casting spells from not building up properly for the client.


  • Fixed a collision issue that may cause players to become stuck inside the scaffolding near the passageway between Skywalk Bridge and Penitent Path.

  • Fixed a collision issue that may cause players to become stuck if they rolled from a ladder onto Umbral assets near Redcopse Windmill.

  • Fixed a collision issue that could allow players to reach an inaccessible area and fall out of the world near the courtyard at Abbey of the Hallowed Sisters.

  • Fixed a collision issue that may cause players to become stuck behind a fence whilst in Umbral near the Lightreaper boss fight.

  • Added missing collision to certain carts placed in Umbral areas in Fief of the Chill Curse.

  • Fixed a collision issue that allowed enemy spells to clip through the tree on top of the cemetery near the optional boss fight with the Lightreaper.

  • Fixed a collision issue that may cause players to become stuck next to the wooden platform prior to the tavern in Lower Calrath.

  • Fixed an issue that may allow players to access an inaccessible area and potentially become stuck near the Skinstealer in Bramis Castle.


  • Fixed an issue that could result in a ray of light appearing incorrectly on the staircase in the Manse cellar.

  • Fixed an issue that could cause the ashen human statues to appear black when "Global illumination quality" setting is set to low in the boss arena with the Sundered Monarch.

  • Fixed an issue that could result in the waterfall to abruptly cut near the balcony with the Abbess in Abbey of the Hallowed Sisters.

  • Adjusted stone textures present in the deep forest that could result in players being able to see out of the environment in Fief of the Chill Curse.

  • Adjusted textures that could result in players being able to see out of the environment near the rope bridge in the cave close to the Shrine of Adyr.

  • Adjusted textures near the Vestige of Brother Jeremiah, which could result in players being able to see out of the environment.

  • Fixed an issue that may cause wooden planks to disappear on graphical settings "High" or lower in Lower Calrath.


  • Fixed an issue where the gates near the bottom of the stairs below the Dunmire room were misaligned with the wall.

  • Adjusted textures on the side path leading to the Congregator of Flesh that failed to load correctly resulting in players being able to see through the environment.

  • Adjusted textures present within the Depths on the rock wall, leading players to be able to see through the environment.

  • Adjusted a stone pillar that was misplaced inside the tower near The Crow's Nest.


  • Fixed an issue that could cause players to be unable to scroll to the top of the list in character creation using a controller.

  • Fixed an issue that prevented "Invert controller vertical axis" from working in photo mode.

  • Fixed an issue that caused Quality and Performance to be reversed in the AMD FSR settings.

  • Fixed an issue that could result in graphical settings to be changed to Ultra on PC if the player selects "Reset to Default".


  • Fixed an issue that may cause Lucent Beam to behave incorrectly and point to the ground when an enemy target is too close to the player.

  • Fixed an issue that prevented Explosive Bolts from dealing damage to nearby enemies if the bolt hit an Umbral asset.

  • Fixed an issue in multiplayer that prevented Holy Bulwark to spawn near Manse kitchen, if the host player did not rest before.


Lords of the Fallen Update 1.1.560

February 29th, 2024=

Live now on all platforms
Greetings Lampbearers,

Leading to this update, we have committed to an extensive optimisation pass of Mournstead, featuring numerous enhancements and tweaks to drastically improve performance on all machines. Alongside this, we have also focused on the inventory system once more to avoid and remove duplicates.

Please find today’s highlights below:

Optimization Pass
In parallel to the previous updates, we’ve been working on an extensive optimization pass, introducing another significant boost to optimization, going live today on all platforms.

Updated Graphic Settings
We’ve adjusted the graphic settings for the Low graphics profile to get an additional boost in performance for low end machines. We’ve also adjusted some default settings to accommodate our player base hardware based on the data you’ve been sending us through Sentry.

Additionally, we’ve introduced a new Cinematic setting for the latest, most powerful, hardware, so you can squeeze the full power of Unreal Engine 5. Please beware that this will have an impact on performance.

If you have any doubt on how to use the tweaked graphic settings, please use the “Auto-Set” button and Unreal will do the benchmarking work for you, establishing the best possible settings.

Inventory Cleanup of Duplicates
We’ve been hard at work implementing a new system management tool that affects how duplicates (spells, quest items, etc.) interact with your inventory. From this patch onwards, any duplicates within your inventory will be removed automatically, as well as preventing collecting any duplicates going forward.

Additional Information for best performance and stability:

Laptop Players
Please ensure that you are not in eco-mode or battery-saving, as these modes will reduce the performance of the game drastically. You might want to review your settings to make sure it’s in the performance mode for best results.

Intel CPU Crashes
We’ve seen on Sentry some crashes coming from Intel 13700k or 13900k. If you have these CPUs and are experiencing crashes, please consider adjusting the bios settings for gaming.

Thanks again to all of you who report your issues through Sentry, this helps us tremendously to identify the issues of each specific hardware configuration.

In light, we walk.


  • Fixed an issue in multiplayer that may cause a co-op partner's death totem to still be present after both host and co-op partner have been revived.

  • Fixed an issue in multiplayer that could allow a co-op partner to see an interactable prompt on the moth wall, after the boss had been defeated.

  • Fixed an issue in multiplayer that could result in placeholder text and black icon appearing for a rune placed in a weapon slot for the co-op partner.

  • Fixed an issue in multiplayer that could cause the platform in the Umbral puzzle to rotate in the opposite direction from the client's perspective in Lower Calrath.


  • Fixed an issue that may cause Ardent Penitent to continue charging indefinitely, if they lose sight of players..

  • Fixed an issue that could allow Shrouded Sparrow to damage other enemies.

  • Fixed an issue that prevented Bringer of Stillness to spawn properly when striking the corresponding Umbral statues in Fief of the Chill Curse.

  • Fixed an issue that could result in players not taking poison damage from Blessed Carrion Knight's grab attack.


  • Fixed an issue that wrongly displayed damage numbers in the cutscene with the Sundered Monarch.

  • Fixed an issue that could cause the soundtrack list in the Original Soundtrack to infinitely scroll after choosing "shuffle" or "next track".

  • Fixed an issue that could incorrectly display Stigma subtitles when in 3D photomode.

  • Fixed an issue in the equipment menu that could result in the comparison panels becoming stuck when switching tabs or using the Unequip button.

  • Fixed an issue that could allow players to warp to different vestiges with a short press without holding down the teleport button if they had more than 12 Vestiges unlocked.


  • Fixed an issue that stopped sound from being played if players left to the main menu after triggering the sound puzzle.

  • Fixed an issue that could cause the lit braziers of the sound puzzle in Depths to be extinguished if the player rested, or quit to the main menu.


  • Fixed an issue that may cause death music to end abruptly during boss battles.

  • Fixed a sound issue that resulted in a mechanical sound effect being played when using an Enhanced Rhogar Oil Flask on Proselyte.


  • Fixed an issue that could prevent players from receiving a Saintly Quintessence upon pickup in Revelation Depths.

  • Fixed an issue that could prevent Umbral mines, created by the effect of "Pendant of Parting", from damaging enemies.


  • Fixed a rare issue in multiplayer that could result in Pieta becoming invulnerable upon killing a co-op partner with a specific skill.

  • Fixed an issue that could cause players to spawn inside Holy Bulwark Otto's boss arena without triggering the encounter, when reloading the game while standing outside and close to the moth wall.


  • Fixed a visual glitch that could wrongly spawn enemy hit effects on the player's location when using ranged weapons.

  • Fixed a visual glitch that wrongly displayed Umbral asset shadows near the entrance of the Mines.

  • Fixed an issue that would prevent players from interacting with a planted Vestige Seedling due to enemies positioned behind a wall in Manse of the Hallowed Brothers.


Lords of the Fallen Update v.1.1.536

February 22nd, 2024. Live now on all platforms

Greetings Lampbearers,

As we work through optimizing Mournstead, we have focused our attention on fine-tuning some of the bugs and issues that you may have come across during your faithful adventure.From the Forsaken Fen and Lower Calrath, to the doors of Bramis Castle itself, we’ve tracked down and squashed those that stood in our way.

In light, we walk.


  • Fixed a blocker that could prevent players from opening the door to Bramis Castle.


  • Fixed an issues where the Hushed Saint continued receiving damage while being mounted.

  • Fixed an issue where the parasites around Blessed Carrion Knight Sanisho and The Congregator of Flesh could be locked on.

  • Fixed a blocker that could cause the Lightreaper to become immortal.


  • Fixed an issue that could cause an invader to spawn outside of the moth wall preventing a proper Crimson Ritual in Redcopse Village.

  • Fixed an issue that could cause a co-op partner to die if they jumped while being teleported to the boss encounter with Scourged Sister Delyth.

  • Fixed an issue where wither damage did not downscale correctly for the client, resulting in exceptionally high damage in PVP and co-op gameplay.


  • Fixed an issue that could cause the health recovery icon to not be displayed when using a shield with health recovery runes attached.

  • Fixed an issue that could cause the randomize feature to not work properly in the character creator.

  • Improved the menu navigation for changing and then cancelling the settings choices. This new change will prevent the UI prompt to reappear when switching tabs or backing out of the menu.


  • Fixed an issue that prevented enemies to move and act properly near a shortcut between Mines and Lower Calrath.

  • Fixed a collision issue that could cause players to leave the gameplay area and as a result fall out of the game world near the Vestige of Sebastian.

  • Fixed an issue that allowed players to own multiple Crafter's Essence runes by utilizing the Coffer.

  • Fixed an issue that could cause the player character to move uncontrollably when being hit by an arrow while interacting with a moth wall.

  • Optimization pass on Infernal Enchantress' cloth to increase performance.


Lords of the Fallen Update v.1.1.485

Live now on all platforms

Greetings Lampbearers,

In this week’s update we have made another optimization pass, focusing on various enemy cloth mechanics to increase performance for lower-end systems. Additionally, we have also introduced multiplayer connectivity feedback and multiplayer indicators. These allow players to have greater insight into the current state of their online experience, with icons to indicate both ping rate and packet loss. And, as always through our own investigations and player reports, we have made a further 40+ tweaks to continue enhancing the game.

Please find today’s highlights below:

  • Cloth Optimization on Enemies - We’ve made several optimization improvements to the cloth mechanics for various enemies to increase performance for lower-end systems.

  • Added Multiplayer Connectivity Feedback / Indicators - We have added a new system in multiplayer that provides informative icons for both player ping rate and packet loss. These enable players to instantly see the current state of their multiplayer health.

In light, we walk.

Now onto the full patch notes:


  • Optimization pass on Shuja Warrior's cloth to increase performance.

  • Optimization pass on Shuja Strider's cloth to increase performance.

  • Optimization pass on Crimson Rector's cloth to increase performance.

  • Optimization pass on Corrupted Penitent's cloth to increase performance.

  • Optimization pass on Accursed Wretch' cloth to increase performance.

  • Optimization pass on Proselyte's cloth to increase performance.

  • Optimization pass on Raw Mangler's cloth to increase performance.

  • Optimization pass on Pureblade's cloth to increase performance.

  • Optimization pass on Abiding Defender's cloth to increase performance.


  • Added an option in multiplayer for players to ignore ping matchmaking rules when randomly matchmaking.

  • Fixed an issue in multiplayer that could allow one player to begin General Engstrom's fight by just approaching the fog wall, leaving the other partner behind.

  • Fixed an issue where players could make changes to multiplayer settings while establishing a multiplayer session, which could result in a prolonged loading screen lasting around 7 minutes and potentially crashing the title.

  • Fixed an issue in multiplayer that could cause an incorrect notification to appear for the host when the co-op partner attempted to access the Coffer in Skyrest Bridge.

  • Fixed an issue in multiplayer that may cause a co-op partner's withered health to be displayed incorrectly.

  • Fixed an issue in multiplayer that may cause a co-op partner to lose the ability to jump, if they rapidly press the jump action near certain walls

  • Fixed an issue in multiplayer where an invader may receive Plucked Eyeballs when the player host killed an enemy marked by the revenge system.

  • Fixed an issue in multiplayer that could result in the host player becoming separated from their co-op partner by the moth wall Pilgrim's Perch.

  • Added new icons within the multiplayer UI that can indicate low ping and packetloss for players.


  • Fixed a collision issue that may cause Enslaved Miners to become stuck on wooden boxes in the flooded area located in the Mines.

  • Fixed a collision issue that could cause players to walk through a wooden structure in Fief of the Chill Curse.

  • Fixed a collision issue that may allow players to enter an inaccessible area close to the Infernal Enchantress boss arena.

  • Fixed a collision issue that could result in players falling out of the world when being pushed from an edge during death.


  • Fixed an issue that could cause the Lucent Beam spell to not be deflected when blocking it with a shield.

  • Fixed an issue where a corrupted texture could be noticed while wearing Trapper Garb on extra-large Body Type B.

  • Fixed a small visual glitch that could cause the player character's feet to jitter under certain circumstances.

  • Fixed an issue where birds didn't have correct textures applied.


  • Fixed an issue that could cause the third Rhogar Architect to spawn prematurely and become stuck inside the environment if players explore Bramis Castle without reloading the game.

  • Fixed an issue where the Sin-Piercer present in the corridor near the Vestige of Rosamund, could disappear completely if players ran away far enough in regular combat.

  • Fixed an issue where the Scarlet Shadow's underground attack could result in the player falling through the elevator floor.


  • Fixed an issue where the player could lose the ability to dodge while using Umbral Lamp, Ranged Ability or Magic if they rebound one of their options to the Dodge button.

  • Fixed an issue that could cause players to be unable to switch Ranged/Lamp to LT/L2 and LB/L1.

  • Fixed an issue that could cause a player's attack and dodges to work incorrectly after being caught by Womb of Despair's grab attack.


  • Fixed an issue that could cause the Crimson Rector Percival's mini-boss fight to be triggered too early, resulting in the player being locked out of combat.

  • Fixed an issue that may cause General Engstrom to not drop Vigor when defeated.

  • Fixed an issue where Damarose the Marked could be interacted with through a moth wall during the boss fight with Gentle Gaverus, Mistress of Hounds.


  • Fixed an issue that could cause General Engstrom's health bar to appear when approaching the moth wall prior to fighting them.

  • Fixed an issue that could cause socketed runes on weapons to not appear correctly in the UI if the weapon was not recently equipped.


  • Fixed an issue that incorrectly displayed General Engstrom’s Armour, Gauntlet, and Leggings as medium, when they are in fact heavy armour pieces.

  • Fixed an issue where the chest containing the Empyrean Church Key may be missing from the second level of the cathedral in High See.


  • Fixed a rare crash that could occur when 3rd party online services were offline.

  • Fixed a rare crash that could occur when closing the Vestige menu while in multiplayer.

  • Fixed an issue that may prevent sound feedback from occurring when knocking down armored hounds.

  • Fixed an issue where Vestige Seeds transferred to the Coffer disappeared if they exceeded the limit of seeds in the Coffer or the Inventory.



Lords of the Fallen Update v.1.1.474

  • Live now on all platforms
  • Release date: February, 1st, 2024.

Greetings Lampbearers,
In today’s update, we deliver a highly requested accessibility feature from our Content Roadmap: Gamepad Rebinding. So whether you prefer your charged heavy attacks to be on L2/LT (or even Triangle/Y) instead of R2/RT, or demand dodge to be on X/A instead of Circle/B, the choice is now entirely yours. Alongside this, we are finally able to release something that we have been cooking in the background: Backup Saves! With this system in place, players can now rely on automatic backup save slots to protect from corrupted save data.
Please find today’s highlights below:

  • Gamepad Rebinding - Full cross-platform gamepad rebinding options have been implemented, accessed within the settings menu, enabling you to have full control of how you traverse through the Mournstead.
  • Backup Saves - With this brand new system in place, the game automatically saves the game to three designated slots during your playthrough, cycling through them as you progress. As a result, should you encounter a corrupted save, the game automatically reverts back to a healthy save slot, so no player action is needed.
  • Optimization Pass - As always we’ve focused our attention on optimizing the game; in this update, we’ve focused on player character animations, damage feedback and level streaming.
  • Xbox HUD - Fixed an issue that caused the game HUD to be place incorrectly too close to the center.

In light, we walk.


Now onto the full patch notes:


  • Fixed an issue in multiplayer that caused the Umbral platform to be pulled toward the host player if the co-op partner pulled near the Vestige of Blind Agatha.
  • Fixed an issue in multiplayer that could temporarily prevent the co-op partner from picking up Vigor after the enemy was killed within a close distance.
  • Fixed an issue in multiplayer that could cause a co-op partner to get stuck after teleportation to the host if the host was standing in a very narrow location at the moment of teleportation.
  • Fixed an issue in multiplayer that could cause the co-op partner not to see the host's character after changing the realm from Umbral to Axiom.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause a player's health bar to update delayed when healing during an invasion.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented players from deleting the session password using the "Reset to default" option in the Multiplayer menu.


  • Fixed a collision issue that could cause players to get permanently stuck between Rhogar crystals near the Vestige of the Bloody Pilgrim.
  • Fixed a collision issue that could cause players to get stuck under the broken statue near the boss encounter with Judge Cleric, the Radiant Sentinel.
  • Fixed a collision issue that allowed players to access the Vestige of the Bloody Pilgrim without killing the Conflagrant Seer by jumping on the Rhogar crystals and skipping the fight.
  • Fixed a collision issue that could occur if players used the Umbral Lamp to traverse across an Umbral bridge at Pilgrims Perch. This issue allowed players to stand on an invisible platform in Axiom.
  • Fixed a collision issue that could cause the player camera to display an out-of-world location when entering the first cave in Depths.
  • Fixed a collision issue that allowed the player to look out of the world near Spurned Progeny boss arena.

Level Design

  • Fixed an issue that could cause enemies to not be able to traverse the environment near the first small hill in Penitent Path.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the water to kill players if only slightly touching in the Bellroom.
  • Added a new ladder in the Forsaken Fen for players who discovered the secondary mountain path.


  • Fixed a camera clipping issue that could occur when standing close to walls at the first soulflay tutorial.
  • Added an option to disable camera resetting horizontally when pressing the lock-on button.
  • Fixed a camera collision issue that could cause the player camera to clip through Rhogar crystals near the Vestige of the Bloody Pilgrim.


  • Fixed an issue that prevented players from moving more than one rune at a time to the Coffer.
  • Fixed an issue that may cause the "Restart Game +0" to be available in the Vestige menu even though players had not completed the game.


  • Fixed an issue that could cause Umbral Remnants to receive fall damage when dropping down to attack player in Umbral.
  • Fixed an audio issue that caused the Umbral ambient sound to be missing when quitting out to the main menu and loading back into the game.
  • Fixed a visual issue that caused the Ravenous Fascinator character model to have a stretched texture.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause players to get stuck when terminating the game during the credits with the Rhogar Ending.


Lords of the Fallen Update v.1.1.457

In the latest patch, significant efforts have been directed towards improving the game's Multiplayer experience. The primary focus has been on optimizing and stabilizing the multiplayer experience to reduce issues like rubberbanding during cooperative play and invasions. This underscores the continuous commitment to ensuring that Mournstead delivers a seamless gaming experience. Additionally, the patch incorporates over 35 tweaks and enhancements aimed at further refining the game's performance and overall quality.



  • Fixed an issue that failed to show the new area prompt to both players in a co-op session at the same time.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented both host and co-op partner from upgrading Sanguinarix on a new save without quitting the game.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause players to gain invulnerability when attempting to revive a co-op partner while being hit by an enemy.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the co-op partner to become stuck in a teleportation loop if player host is underneath the water whilst in Umbral.
  • Fixed an issue in multiplayer that would cause item selection UI to automatically move to the top when a co-op partner would purchase or sell an item in a shop.
  • Fixed an issue in multiplayer that prevented a co-op partner's crossbow to not reload automatically after rolling, whilst having the Inner Serpent Pendant equipped.
  • Fixed an issue in multiplayer where the host didn't receive any Vigor for defeating the invader in a Crimson Ritual.
  • Fixed an issue in multiplayer that caused an invading player to not receive Vigor if the host player died from a status effect.
  • Fixed an issue where co-op partner was unable to assist the host when killing enemies to progress Illuminator Aubrey's quest in the Trial of the Three Spirits.
  • Improved the multiplayer experience across all platforms for coop or invasion matchups. The overall experience now has less rubberbanding and should result in smoother gameplay overall.
  • Fixed an issue that caused a fog wall to appear for co-op partner during the introductory cutscene for the Hollow Crow.



  • Fixed a collision issue that allowed players to skip a part of Lower Calrath by accessing unintended areas near the droppable ladder in the Alehouse.
  • Fixed a collision issue that could cause players to get stuck in an inaccessible area prior to the first Umbral puzzle in Lower Calrath.
  • Fixed a collision issue that allowed players to skip a major part of Lower Calrath by jumping over a fence using Umbral environment next to the first Umbral puzzle.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause players to become stuck in Umbral environment after death in Axiom near the first Umbral puzzle in Lower Calrath.
  • Fixed a collision issue that could allow players to gain entry to an unintended area while in Umbral in the cathedral in The Empyrean.
  • Fixed a collision issue near the that could allow players to traverse out of bounds, and fall through the world near the kitchen in Manse of the Hallowed Brothers.
  • Fixed a collision issue that allowed players to skip the Ruiner's arena in Lower Calrath.
  • Fixed a collision issue where players could get stuck behind a fallen statue near Leprosarium.
  • Fixed a collision issue that could cause players to get stuck in the elevator room while the elevator descended in Pilgrim's Perch.
  • Fixed a collision issue where soulflayable Umbral effigies attached to Umbral platforms would have collision while in Axiom.
  • Fixed a collision issue that could allow players to jump down a stone wall and fall out of the game world in Revelation Depths.



  • Fixed an issue where the Bringer of Stillness could get stuck in the environment in Upper Calrath.
  • Fixed an issue where the Ruiner could get stuck in a falling animation in Upper Calrath.
  • Fixed an issue where a Raw Mangler could get stuck in a falling animation in Pilgrim's Perch.
  • Fixed a rare issue that could cause the Lightreaper to become invulnerable to damage during combat.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause Corrupted Penitent to get stuck in a falling animation near a wooden scaffolding in Depths
  • Fixed an issue that prevented "A Shadow Dispelled" achievement to unlock if the Scarlet Shadow had been defeated with an effect.



  • Fixed an issue where textures present on the ground in Penitent Path were missing.
  • Fixed an issue where Umbral assets could be seen loading in above the exit of the boss arena of The Congregator of Flesh on lower graphic settings.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the visual effects of Boss Weapons to not appear if players entered ranged mode beforehand.



  • Fixed an issue where players were unable to close the Bucketlord dialogue whilst having an insufficient amount of buckets under special circumstances.
  • Fixed an issue that caused special edition's content prompt to appear after closing the 3D Photomode.
  • Fixed an issue where the "Controller Disconnect" prompt was shown permanently while having 2 controllers connected and disconnecting 1 of them.



  • Fixed a camera collision issue that allowed players to see out of the game world in Revelation Depths.
  • Fixed an issue where the camera input could break when interacting with Winterperry while triggering a falling animation with nearby rocks in Depths.
  • Fixed an issue where the mini event in front of the Sanctuary of Baptism wouldn't play properly, resulting in the enemy AI missing to knock down the targeted penitent.


Lords of the Fallen Update v.1.1.414

Greetings Lampbearers,

The Season of Revelry continues this week! Following on from the Offering of Orius - which included new Spells, Throwables, Boss Weapon Abilities, Holiday Decorations and more.

We hope you're prepared for the Trial of the Three Spirits! To unveil their secrets and access the hidden rewards, you must conquer three unique challenges. Each armor set and weapon in this test represents one of the three factions: Radiance, Rhogar, and Umbral.

Behold, the following riddles hold clues for each trial!

Illuminator AubreyA cell holds the weapon of one who would in light baskAnd with radiant prayers uttered, carry out his grave taskA sculpture within a tower, two more where brothers dwell And three among those who bid their old lives farewell A stone barrier removed upon ending your bloody questA lambent shrine uncovered, a once-hidden place of rest

General EngstromIn the aftermath of a battle fought within a ravine Before a twisted tree, pledge yourself and be seen Gather dousing ammunition from a frozen land And extinguish the blazes of five infernal hands Offer another sign, one expressed most fervently And in victory feel no shame in unleashing your glee

Herald of the MawUpon an eerie idol, bestow a mother's embrace And see that firelight is cast upon your face Lonely notes ring out, refrains to be followed Ensure the flames are no longer by darkness swallowed A conductor in the shadows, a grim harmony achieved A deep descent concluding with rewards received

And that’s not all, this update also includes:

Mirror of Distortion

  • A new questline is now available, offering the chance to unlock a mysterious mirror with the power to transform your very physiognomy. This will enable you to modify your body shape, gender, skin tone, hair color, facial features, and even your name.

New Grievous Attacks

  • Each weapon family now features two unique finishers: one for single-handed wielding and another for two-handed wielding.

Storage Box

  • In line with your top Christmas wishlist requests, we're excited to confirm that a Coffer has been added to Skyrest Bridge. This new feature enables you to store up to 2000 items, greatly alleviating your inventory space constraints.

Twisted Tree

  • In addition to our earlier introduced Christmas decoriations, we also added a twisted tree that players can find when exploring the new content.


  • The festive spirit is in full swing in Mournstead with this throwable item. Have fun tossing snowballs at enemies and invaders alike, and watch as they succumb to frostbite.

patch notes trial of the three spirits lords of the fallen wiki guide 150px

Gamepad Rebinding and New Game+ Modifiers are set to arrive in the new year, as we're dedicated to ensuring the highest quality possible. Stay tuned for these exciting updates.

Please find this week’s full patch notes below, and we hope you enjoy the new content!


  • Fixed an issue where certain key items and spells could drop repeatedly after engaging in multiplayer activities. This fix doesn't remove already existing duplicates, but it will prevent dropping new ones.

  • Improved collision on one of the moth walls in Pilgrim's Perch.

  • Fixed an issue where players could reach inaccessible areas by interacting with in-game chests in coop sessions, which allowed them to reach higher areas.

  • Fixed an issue where invaders could get stuck in Umbral assets when the host transitioned to Umbral in various areas of the game.

Boss Weapons

  • Fixed an issue with boss weapon abilities that could prevent the abilities to spawn under certain conditions.

  • Fixed an issue that prevented the Lightreaper dagger and sword boss weapon abilities to trigger if equipped in the wrong weapon slots.

  • Fixed an issue that could prevent the Lighteaper dagger boss weapon abilities to consume stamina.

  • Fixed an issue that prevented Judge Cleric's boss weapon abilities to trigger, if the weapons were equipped in the wrong weapon slots.

  • Fixed an issue where Tancred's Mancatcher boss weapon abilities could not be unlocked under certain conditions, even after fulfilling the requirements.


  • Fixed an issue where certain water puddles would not trigger any visual effects or sound effects in Pilgrim's Perch.

  • Added a missing texture where players could see through the game world in front of the stone ruins in Revelation Depths.

  • Fixed a streaming issue where Umbral assets could be loaded with certain delay in Abbey of the Hallowed Sisters.


  • Added missing collision to a wall near an Umbral altar in Revelation Depths.

  • Fixed an issue where the player character could clip through Umbral assets next to the Vestige of Hooded Antuli.

  • Fixed a collision issue that could partially block players from accessing all areas in the flooded rooms in Sunless Skein.

  • Fixed a collision issue that could cause players to get stuck between walls near Tortured Prisoner.

  • Fixed a collision issue that could cause enemies to get stuck near stairs in Pilgrim's Perch.

  • Added missing collision to Umbral assets near the elevator leading to Revelation Depths.

  • Fixed a collision issue where players could get stuck between crystals behind the Vestige of Bloody Pilgrim.

  • Added missing collision to Umbral assets behind an effigy in Revelation Depths.

  • Fixed an issue where the player character could clip through Umbral assets next to a wooden ladder in Revelation Depths.

  • Fixed an issue where the player character could clip through Umbral assets next to a wooden footwalk in Revelation Depths.

  • Fixed a collision issue where players could get stuck near the lever at the first gate after Vestige of Hooded Antuli.

  • Fixed a collision issue where players could leave the gameplay area by jumping over a fence at the terrace in Manse of the Hallowed Brothers.

  • Fixed a collision issue where the player character could clip through a stone pillar asset by a burning building in Lower Calrath.

  • Fixed a collision issue where players could leave the gameplay area by jumping on an invisible wall near an Umbral platform in Lower Calrath.

  • Added missing collision to a tree in the cemetery next to the entrance to Lower Calrath.

  • Fixed a collision issue where players could leave the gameplay area by jumping on a fence near Vestige of Sebastian.

  • Fixed a collision issue where players could get stuck behind a gravestone at the cemetery next to the entrance to Lower Calrath.

  • Fixed a collision issue where players could get stuck on the rooftop of a building near the tower in Lower Calrath.

  • Fixed a collision issue where players could get stuck by jumping of a building near some impaled bodies in Lower Calrath.

  • Fixed a collision issue to improve navigation on certain planks in Path of Devotion Memorial.

  • Fixed a collision issue where players could leave the gameplay area and get stuck near the broken bridge in Fief of the Chill Curse.

  • Fixed a collision issue where players could get stuck by jumping behind destroyed wooden scaffolding near Vestige of Svornil.

  • Fixed a collision issue where players could leave the gameplay area by jumping on a rock near The Hushed Saint.

  • Fixed a collision issue where the player character could clip through Umbral assets near the entrance of The Hushed Saint.

  • Fixed a collision issue where the player could leave the gameplay area by jumping on Umbral assets near the Vestige of Hannelore.


  • Improved combat audio for The Crimson Rector's radiant "clones".

  • Improved combat audio of The Sundered Monarch.

  • Improved the audio of the Sanctify spell.

  • Fixed an issue where the audio of the spell Orius Judgement wouldn't play properly.

  • Improved the audio of the Consecrate spell.

  • Improved the audio of the Magma Surge spell.

  • Fixed an issue where the Forsaken Grenade would repeatedly trigger the block sound when thrown at Umbral Tanks.

  • Improved the audio of the Infernal Decree spell.


  • Improved the performance by optimizing the lighting in Manse of the Hallowed brothers

  • Improved the performance by optimizing the Umbral levels in The Empyrean.


  • Fixed an issue where the Umbral bridge and archway could not be seen at certain distance due to its LOD configuration in Manse of the Hallowed Brothers.

  • Fixed an issue where Umbral assets could not be seen at certain distance due to LOD configuration in Redcopse Windmill.

PVE Balancing

  • Fixed an issue where Explosive Snare mines could float mid-air under certain circumstances.

  • Fixed an issue where some spells wouldn't work correctly in the boss encounter with The Sacred Resonance of Tenacity.

  • Fixed an issue where Parchments were unaffected by Umbral healing reduction effects.

  • Buffed the one handed and two handed weapon abilities of Hushed Saint's Halberd to make them more in line with other boss weapons abilities.


  • Fixed an issue where the player character could get locked in a falling animation loop by interacting with the Umbral platform in Manse of the Hallowed Brothers.

  • Fixed an issue where the camera controls wouldn't function correctly when entering the boss encounter with Judge Cleric under specific conditions.

  • Fixed an issue where players could unlock the shortcut to the boss encounter with The Sundered Monarch by killing the Conflagrant Seer from far away.

  • Fixed an issue where players could skip a part of the Revelation Depths by jumping down the cliff above the boss entrance.

In Light we Walk.



Lords of the Fallen Update v.1.1.394

Glad tidings, Lampbearers of Mournstead,

… for the ‘Season of Revelry’ is upon us! - a two-part bumper update spread over this week and next, bringing with it a whole smorgasbord of goodies, including new questlines, festive armour sets, some highly-requested QoL features, seasonal decorations, and much, much more!

As stated many times previously, we cannot overstate our appreciation of your ongoing support, passion and dedication since our launch in October, and hope our roadmap of free content goes some way to express this gratitude. We’ve released over 30 post-release updates, with plenty of updates and nearly all of which have contributed towards today’s stability and performance, in addition to the many refinements to overall balancing. We’re extremely pleased with the result, and couldn’t have done it without the help of you, our community of Crusaders. So raise your lanterns, one and all, and let the Season of Revelry begin!

Update 1: Offering of Orius - December 15, 2023.

  • Spell Pack #2 - The second of our two post-release Spell packs lands today, and includes the arena-devastating Immolation, Brother Knight’s Radiant Shield Throw, and the ability to shoot skin-piercing icicles from your fingertips.
  • New Projectiles - Give the gift of Blood Vomit this holiday, one of three new projectiles, alongside Explosive Mines and Frost Worms.
  • New Boss Weapon Abilities - Up until now, the Lightreaper’s Dual Blades, the ol’ Pieta and Elianne sword combo, and the stick had secret abilities. But seeing how popular these have been, we quickly got to working on adding secret abilities to ALL boss weapons, including an eruption of bouncing flame from the Cleric’s Greatsword, and the power to shoot a torrent of burning blades with the Sundered Monarch Greathammer. But… you will have to perform certain ‘tasks’ in order to unlock these devastating secret attacks.
  • Holiday Decorations - Yes, even the heinous hordes of Adyr take the time to spread a little seasonal joy, lovingly bedecking the Vestiges they patrol so vehemently in festive decor!

Update 2: Trial of the Three Spirits

  • Trial of the Three Spirits - Three new questlines, three new armour sets, three new weapons. Each representing one of the three factions - Radiance, Rhogar, and Umbral - more will be revealed next week as to what arduous ordeals you’ll need to overcome in order to reap such splendiferous rewards.
  • Mirror of Distortion - One of your most highly-requested features, next week’s update includes a questline the successors of which will unlock a mysterious mirror possessing the power to alter your very physiognomy. You’ll be able to alter your body shape, gender, skin tone, hair colour, and facial features, and name.
  • New Grievous Attacks - Every family of weapon now has two unique finishers; one for single handed wielding, and one for two handed wielding.
  • Storage Box - Another item that’s been extremely high on your Christmas wishlist, we’re delighted to confirm that Skyrest Bridge will be graced with a Coffer next week, where you can deposit up to 2000 items helping to free up your inventory space.
  • Gamepad Rebind - Clearly on Santa’s good list this year, you’ll also be receiving the ability to rebind your gamepad, having been able to remap mouse and keyboard since launch.
  • SNOWBALLS! - A fourth new throwable, the festive season has well and truly arrived in Mournstead in the form of throwable snowballs. Throw them at enemies or invaders alike, until they frostbite.

New Spells & Throwables

Embrace the array of 6 new spells and 3 throwables now accessible across the three factions. You have the opportunity to acquire them by defeating their wielders.

Please note that these spells will not count towards the Radiant, Inferno, or Umbral Adept Achievements.

New Spells!

  • Lambent Feint: Perform a quick step backwards before firing an arrow of Radiant magic which inflicts holy damage and smite buildup.
  • Smiting Shield: Hurl a shield of Radiant magic, inflicting holy damage.
  • Incinerating Blast: Charge up then launch a flaming projectile, inflicting fire damage and ignite buildup.
  • Seared Soul (Spell): Summon a Seared Soul who will rush in the direction of an enemy before exploding, inflicting burn buildup.
  • Hibernal Cleave: Swing an axe of Umbral magic, causing a line of damaging ice formations to erupt from the ground and inflict frostbite buildup.
  • Puncturing Hail: Launch a trio of airborne ice projectiles which inflict frostbite buildup.

New Throwables!

  • Imbruing Chalice: A throwable chalice filled with blood which inflicts bleed buildup and smite buildup.
  • Explosive Snare: A throwable mine which explodes if stepped on by an enemy, inflicting fire damage and burn buildup,
  • Bursting Grub: A throwable Umbral creature which bursts, inflicting wither damage and frostbite buildup.


Farmable Faction Shrines

  • By popular demand, you can now farm the faction shrine currencies out of elites of every faction. It's a rare loot drop, but can be farmed without engaging with multiplayer systems, and using paws for additional drop-rate.


  • Fixed an issue with Kukajin's quest that could prevent players from finishing it. Please be aware that this change does not fix existing savegames automatically, you will need to defeat an additional boss where she can help, for it to be unlocked. It also prevents the bug from happening ever again. - Thanks Fhuryn for providing the save game, which helped us track down and fix the issue quicker.


  • Improved the multiplayer online experience to be more reactive. As a result, this change will now allow players to easier dodge enemy attacks and not get stun locked.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented Charred Finger to grant increased rewards upon completion.
  • Added missing collision to moth walls in Pilgrim's Perch.
  • Adjusted invasions areas and moth walls to prevent invaders getting trapped near the castle in Fief of the Chill Curse.
  • Disabled an invasion area in Pilgrim's Perch and adjusted moth walls accordingly.
  • Adjusted Crimson Rituals to prevent door interactions throughout the whole encounter.
  • Fixed missing visual effects on moth walls near the entrance of the Sunless Skein Mines.
  • Enlarged moth walls to prevent players from leaving the Crimson Ritual in the ice tunnels in Fief of the Chill Curse.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the animations of Reinhold the Immured to play incorrectly while in multiplayer.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the coop partner's resources and buffs to reset after a forced teleport to the host.
  • Fixed an issue related to cooperative multiplayer where the client could be teleported to the host unexpectedly even after being teleported to the host at the beginning of a boss encounter.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the client's UI to partially become unresponsive upon assigning items to the quick access slots during a multiplayer session.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the coop partner to recover all resources after being revived or teleported to the host.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the coop partner to be affected by their own Umbral type spells.


  • Fixed an issue where players could leave the boss encounter of The Hollow Crow by jumping on branches in the back of the arena.
  • Added missing collision to Umbral walls in Depth.
  • Fixed a collision issue that could cause players to fall through the world in Mother's Lull.
  • Fixed collision issues with an Umbral wall in the cellar in Manse of the Hallowed Brothers.
  • Fixed a collision issue to prevent players from accessing unintended areas near the market in Upper Calrath.
  • Added missing collision to Umbral assets near a ladder in Sunless Skein Mines.
  • Fixed a collision issue to prevent players from accessing unintended areas near the entrance of Sunless Skein Mines.
  • Fixed a collision issue to prevent players from falling through the world next to the gate leading to Fief of the Chill Curse.
  • Fixed a collision issue that allowed players to skip the Blessed Carrion Knight Shanisho boss encounter by jumping on a brazier and then bypassing the moth wall.
  • Fixed an issue where the player character could clip through Umbral assets next to the Vestige of Hooded Antuli.
  • Fixed a collision issue that could cause players to get stuck on crystal structures near the last Conflagrant Seer in Bramis Castle.
  • Fixed a collision issue that could cause players to fall through the world near the Umbral puzzle at the second part of Pilgrim's Perch.
  • Fixed an issue to prevent players from accessing unintended areas at the beginning of Revelation Depths.
  • Fixed an issue where the player character could clip through Umbral assets near the fence behind the ruins in Revelation Depths.
  • Fixed several Umbral collision issues near the ruins in Revelation Depths.
  • Fixed a collision that could cause players to fall into an inaccessible area and get stuck near Revelation Depths.
  • Fixed collision issues caused by a net in the flooded room in Sunless Skein Mines.


  • Increased the audio volume of The Iron Wayfarer to be more in-line with the game's audio levels.
  • Added door closing sound effects to the elevator in Cistern.
  • Adjusted and improved the sound effects of The Lightreaper.
  • Improved the explosion sound effects in the second phase of Judge Cleric, the Radiant Sentinel.
  • Added new sound effects to the second phase of the boss encounter with The Lightreaper.
  • Added missing sound effects to the ranged attacks of Blessed Reflection.
  • Added missing sound effects to the explosions caused the weapon abilities of Pieta's Swords.
  • Added ambient bell sounds to the area in The Empyrean.
  • Legendary Edition now has its own main menu score.


  • Fixed an issue that could cause the Blessed Carrion Knight Sanisho to drop the player's vigor rather than absorbing it when killing the player.
  • Fixed an issue that allowed players to skip the boss encounter in the Cistern and get the item from the Umbral container by quitting out mid-fight.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the The Hushed Saint to lose player focus after defeating a summoned NPC.


  • Fixed an issue that caused the Lucent Beam to be invisible.
  • Fixed a visual that could cause the whole area to disappear near the Shrine of Adyr.
  • Fixed an issue where the player character could clip with Umbral assets in the library in The Empyrean.
  • Fixed an issue where the player character could clip through Umbral assets in Lower Calrath.
  • Added physical materials and movement to the bells in The Empyrean.
  • Fixed an issue where throwable items did not affect the water surface in any way.


  • Fixed an issue that could cause the player character to play the moth wall enter animation while dying.
  • Fixed an issue that could prevent water to deal damage to enemies and players.


  • Fixed an issue with the runes Mhakev and Dhalwe now working properly on certain weapons.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented players from socketing runes using keyboard input in Gerlinde's shop.


  • Fixed an issue that could display the wrong character level when using a Rebirth Chrysalis in a specific way.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented players from discarding some items.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented Umbral eyes to be droppable.
  • Additional pass to reduce the number of actors casting shadows (small objects and minor details) in Abbey of the Hallowed Sisters. No loss in quality.


Lords of the Fallen Update v.1.1.379

Greetings Lampbearers,

Today’s update mainly focuses on further enhancements and optimisations, before things heat up next week in the spirit of the festive season. In addition to this, we’re delighted to confirm the roll out of several highly-anticipated fixes.

As always, thank you for your continued feedback and support - something we absolutely appreciate, and hope to express our gratitude for with the release of the remaining items from our free Content Roadmap before year’s end.

Please find today’s highlights below:p>

  • Autosave Stutter Fix - While it took a little longer than expected, due to the complexity of the issue, we’re delighted to say we’ve applied a fix for the stuttering issue that some players with larger saves experienced during autosaving. If you encounter any issues related to this fix, or saved games, please reach out to our support team at 
  • Radiant Ending Blocker Fix - Players who were locked out of Bramis Castle will now be able to properly advance with the Radiant ending questline. A huge thanks goes out to BlackDraft who sent his save game that helped us resolve this issue much quicker.
  • End Game Boss Improvements - Based on our most recent telemetry, we saw that end game Bosses were not as challenging as anticipated. Due to those findings, we've adjusted their behaviors slightly to put up a better fight.
  • Multiplayer Experience Improvements - We improved several functionalities and added new quality of life features to enhance the overall multiplayer experience. Upon popular demand, we’ve added a small glowing indicator to make it easier to spot your partner’s position when they are out of sight during co-op play. Invasion areas have received a redesign resulting in less disconnects when attempting to invade players. Lastly, the Vestige menu now offers new options for more convenient interaction.


Now, onto the full patch notes…


  • Crimson Rituals have received a small rework, which should improve matchmaking connectivity by avoiding disconnects before a matchup starts.
  • Players targeted by a Crimson Ritual will no longer be able to exit to the Main Menu while the ritual is active.
  • Players targeted by a Crimson Ritual will no longer be able to interact with vendors or vestiges while the ritual is active.
  • Moth walls related to Crimson Rituals will automatically vanish after a set amount of time in the case the ritual never starts.
  • Coop partners will now receive additional Crimson Ritual notifications for better clarity.
  • Redesigned Crimson Ritual areas to be more graceful across the whole game world.
  • Fixed an issue where a coop partner could immediately die after being teleported to a host standing on an Umbral platform in Axiom.
  • Fixed an issue related to cooperative multiplayer where the client could be teleported to the host unexpectedly even after being teleported to the host at the beginning of a boss encounter.
  • Fixed an issue where the client's resources and buffs could reset after a teleport to the host.


  • Additional pass to reduce the number of actors casting shadows (small objects and minor details) in Defiled Sepulchre. No loss in quality.
  • Additional pass to reduce the number of actors casting shadows (small objects and minor details) in Pilgrim's Perch. No loss in quality.
  • Additional pass to reduce the number of actors casting shadows (small objects and minor details) in Skyrest Bridge. No loss in quality.
  • Additional pass to reduce the number of actors casting shadows (small objects and minor details) near Shuja Hamlet. No loss in quality.
  • Additional pass to reduce the number of actors casting shadows (small objects and minor details) in Fief of the Chill Curse. No loss in quality.
  • Additional pass to reduce the number of actors casting shadows (small objects and minor details) in Shrine of Adyr. No loss in quality.
  • Additional pass to reduce the number of actors casting shadows (small objects and minor details) in Abbey of the Hallowed Sisters. No loss in quality.
  • Optimized Umbral for better performance in Manse of the Hallowed Brothers.
  • Removed eye blinking of inactive characters across the whole game to improve performance.


  • Abbess Ursula has received an update to her boss behavior to make her more in-line with the lategame challenges.
  • Judge Cleric, the Radiant Sentinel has received an update to his behavior to make him more in-line with the lategame challenges.
  • The Lightreaper has received an update to his behavior to make him more in-line with the lategame challenges.
  • Sundered Monarch has received an update to his behavior to make him more in-line with the lategame challenges.
  • Fixed a lock on issue that could occur when destroying Umbral parasites in the second phase of The Hushed Saint boss encounter.


  • Fixed issues related to camera collision in Pilgrim's Perch.
  • Fixed a camera issue that could cause unintended behaviours with falling enemies that were locked on.


  • Fixed an issue with the Lightreaper's Sword that would not trigger the special ability.
  • Fixed an issue with the Lightreaper's Spear that would not have proper scaling and damage types applied.
  • Added the possibility to aim up and down when using heavy attacks with weapons that do not trigger a boss weapon ability.


  • Improved the collision for better navigation while in Umbral in Sunless Skein.
  • Fixed a collision issue where players could get stuck near the rotatable stairwell in Bramis Castle.
  • Added missing wall collisions to the bedroom of the Sundered Monarch.
  • Fixed an issue where players could fall through elevators when entering Umbral.
  • Fixed several Umbral collision issues in Bramis Castle.
  • Fixed a collision issue that could cause players to fall through the game world when jumping off the footbridge in Lower Calrath.
  • Fixed collision issues to avoid players getting stuck at the bonfire in Forsaken Fen.


  • Fixed an issue with the player character's animation not playing while using a Vestige Seed.
  • Fixed an issue where the player character's animation would not play when performing certain actions related to the Umbral ending.
  • Fixed an issue where the Sanguinarix upgrade animation could be cancelled by performing an attack.
  • Fixed an issue where Pieta's animations would not play when upgrading the Sanguinarix.
  • Added missing player hit reaction animations when getting hit at the end of a roll.
  • Fixed visuals glitches with some vegetation in Manse of the Hallowed Brothers.
  • Fixed a visual glitch with a beacon by lowering its position in Forsaken Fen.
  • Fixed a visual glitch caused by wrong weapon orientation on Tancred's Mancatcher on the player character.
  • Adjusted level streaming to avoid visual glitches in Bramis Castle.


  • Added a new option to the Vestige menu that allows players to leave coop sessions.
  • Added a new option to the Vestige menu that allows hosts to kick coop players.
  • Added a confirmation popups for kicking and reporting other players and adjusted disconnect messages to be more accurate.
  • Fixed a small visual glitch that could occur when browsing the shrines with a controller.
  • Fixed an issue where enemy healthbars could be seen in the distance in different areas of the game.


  • Polished the ambient sound in the Manse area.
  • Improved the player character's footstep sounds.
  • Ambient sound now properly propagates through corridors in Cistern.
  • Improved NPC voiceovers across the game.


  • Added a fail-safe to prevent potential further blockers with the Umbral ending.
  • Fixed a behavioural issue with Fire Raw Manglers that made them sit down immediately after attacking the player near Alehouse.

In Light we Walk.


Lords of the Fallen Update v.1.1.348

way of the bucket lotf wiki guide565px

Date: November 21st, 2023
Platforms: Live now on all platforms

Greetings Lampbearers, The Way of the Bucket: An ancient martial art? An extraordinary, time-honoured ritual? Or just one man’s unprecedented commitment to the humble receptacle?

Today’s update, released ahead of our usual cadence, answers this question and more, with headline features including:

  • New Questline Event: The Way of the Bucket
  • New Spells Pack #1
  • Fall prevention when attacking
  • Improved matchmaking
  • Umbral ending fix

And with that, we continue to tick a few more items off our 2023 free content plan, though there’s still… ahem, a bucket load to come before year’s end. Additionally, we continue to work hard further refining the game’s difficulty balance in line with your ongoing feedback. Please find a recap of all difficulty enhancements to date here from earlier this week.

Full patch notes below:

The Way of the Bucket

  • Similar to our Hallowen Event - ‘Season of the Bleak’ - today’s update brings with it ‘The Way of the Bucket’, a new and mysterious questline which upon completion, grants a reward of truly indeterminate value.

Seek guidance in the words below…

When time came to do or die, they emerged from their throes,
With meagre improvisations, spreading such desperate blows.
Should you as well seek meaning in these humble souls' disguise,
Don makeshift twin attire and find the one that lies.
Salute, attest and once more show honour to their semblance,
And you’ll amass the sincere gifts of one held in remembrance.
Yet hoard not without measure, show mutual regard,
For greed amongst the downtrodden is seen as truly marred.


New Spells

Embrace the array of new spells now accessible across the three magical schools. You have the opportunity to acquire them by defeating their wielders.

Vortex of Torment
Summon a Radiant cyclone which inflicts physical damage and bleed buildup.

The Tolling
Unleash a wave of Radiant magic which inflicts holy damage and is capable of knocking down enemies.

Blistering Salvo
Unleash a volley of infernal darts which inflict physical damage and burn buildup.

Rising Fire
Summon several orbs of fire which explode following a short delay, inflicting fire damage and ignite buildup.

Pallid Bile
Unleash a torrent of Umbral magic, inflicting wither damage and poison buildup.

Septic Heave
Hurl several putrid orbs which inflict physical damage and poison buildup.

  • Please note that these spells will not count towards the Radiant, Inferno, or Umbral Adept Achievements.

Core Gameplay Improvement

With this patch if you begin an attack animation away from a ledge, you will no longer fall off if the attack animation draws you to the edge of said platform. However, if you start the attack animation when already standing at the edge, you will fall.

Improved Matchmaking

We've updated the matchmaking selection process, giving priority to ping while also performing additional checks on the connection at both ends. This may slightly increase matchmaking time, but it ensures a higher quality connection.

Umbral Ending

For players who previously encountered an issue with the Umbral ending, preventing them from completing the game, we have more positive news this week. We've implemented an additional check to address another edge case, allowing you to proceed after being blocked. So now, when you load the game, you should be able to directly access the ending.

We appreciate Fionn for sharing his save, to help identify and resolve this matter. While we believe all outstanding issues have now been addressed, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team at with your save information if you encounter any further problems.

Autosave Stuttering

We know that some players are experiencing stuttering when the game autosaves during the later areas. Please note we are working hard to resolve this, and should have a fix soon.

XBOX Offset HUD (ongoing)

We’re aware that the HUD display on Xbox is currently offset, and are actively working on a fix. We greatly appreciate your patience in this matter, and hope to have an update shortly. Please stay tuned for now.


  • Added additional precalculated PSOs to further reduce micro-stuttering throughout the game world.
  • Removed redundant collisions only on far-distance assets in the Empyrean Vista. All affected elements are out of the gameplay area.
  • Improved performance in the level art of the Upper Calrath nobles area by removing cast shadows from numerous assets without any impact on quality.
  • Optimized the Umbral level in Skyrest Bridge (Rampart and Parapet) by deleting hidden meshes and adjusting camera occlusion and pixel depth in certain meshes.
  • Second pass to reduce the number of actors casting shadows (small objects and minor details) in the Manse of the Hallowed Brothers. No loss in quality.
  • Second pass to reduce the number of actors casting shadows (small objects and minor details) in the Tower of Penance. No loss in quality.


  • Increased Scarlet Shadow's senses to ensure it acquires the player as a target even in edge cases where it spawns far away from the player.
  • Linked the Ruiner to a leashing volume to prevent him from leaving the intended encounter area in Lower Calrath.
  • Added additional collisions for enemies spawning on the floor of Skyrest Bridge.
  • Filled a missing navmesh hole in one spot of Pilgrim's Perch to improve AI navigation.
  • Fixed an AI that was not following its patrol in the Manse of the Hallowed Brothers.
  • A very treacherous NPC now says different things when defeating the player. Still obnoxious, but with style.


  • Fixed an issue where players could get stuck near a crystal in Bramis Castle.
  • Fixed an issue where players could get stuck in Anchor Between Realms.
  • Fixed an issue where players could get out of world in The Empyrean.
  • Fixed minor clipping issues on some stairs in Fief of the Chill Curse.
  • Fixed an issue with a missing wall collision in Abbey of the Hallowed Sisters.
  • Fixed an issue where players could get out of world in Manse of the Hallowed Brothers
  • Adjusted moth walls to prevent players from leaving Otto's boss encounter.
  • Adjusted the location of a chest to avoid players getting stuck in Forsaken Fen.
  • Placed blocking volume to prevent the player from jumping on a specific branch in Fief of the Chill Curse.
  • Fixed issues where players could skip certain areas in Fief of the Chill Curse.
  • Adjusted a flower bed near the Bellroom Vestige that could cause issues with gameplay.
  • Fixed an issue where players could get stuck at a rock near the Tower of Penance.
  • Fixed an issue where players could skip the Pieta boss fight encounter by climbing up the Fire Giant's corpse.


  • Improved player character turning animation for turning at very slow speed.
  • Added a missing base to one of the statues in Abbey of the Hallowed Sisters.
  • Improved the specular and brightness for several weapons and armors sets materials.

In Light, We Walk.

Lords of the Fallen Update v.1.1.326

Greetings Lampbearers,

We’re delighted to share with you the next big optimization update, which also marks the start of our ongoing PVP/PVE balancing split, as well as the much requested improvements to the lock-on system and boss difficulty increases.

This week’s highlights include:

  • We've successfully completed a custom engine improvement to allow us to use nanite for all Umbral meshes which should mean a noticeable improvement on performance while in Umbral (for the brave few who’ll hang around long enough to notice) This is in addition to our usual overall performance improvements in several areas of the game, specified below in the notes.
  • New lock-on system activated! We've been extensively testing different options, and believe the simpler approach of locking-on to the centre of the screen is the most effective one. So we’ve made this the new default setting, though you still have the ability to switch to other lock-on options in settings, including "Legacy" (the previous default).
  • The first step of our PVP/PVE balancing split is here, with much more to come in the near future! We can now start independently balancing spells, so today’s update focuses on the most overpowered spells and ranged abilities (based on feedback and internal telemetry) for PVP only - this has ZERO impact on PVE.
  • By popular demand, we've finalized a complete overhaul to all bosses in the game. It was clear (both from your feedback and our internal findings) that many bosses simply weren’t posing enough of a challenge, so we have rebalanced some behaviors, as well as their hit points and damage output, to ensure they pose the correct level of difficulty at that point in your journey. Please find further details below.
  • We have integrated the latest version of DLSS3, meaning you can now manually activate the most recent Frame Generation update by using a special command (-DLSSFG). Once we confirm through Sentry that this new FG is stable, we'll activate it for everyone with 40 series by default.
  • Furthermore, in collaboration with NVIDIA and AMD, we've activated additional data for Sentry reports to gather more details on the remaining hardware that is unfortunately still experiencing some crashes in our game. This will help us pinpoint the issues both quicker and more accurately, and enable our partners to update the GPU drivers accordingly.

As previously mentioned, we continue to work hard on all of the free content we revealed in last week’s Content Roadmap. And can exclusively reveal that you won’t have to wait long until the first content drop…

And with that, let's dive into the patch notes!
Lock-On Overhaul

New Lock-On system activated! We've extensively tested various options, and we believe that the simpler approach of locking onto the center of the screen is the best choice. Therefore, this is now the new default. You also have other lock-on options, including "Legacy" (which maintains the default setting prior to this patch).

In the settings, you can now select your preferred Lock-On priority system:

  • Precision prioritizes enemies that are closer to the center of your screen within a specified maximum limit (enemies on the borders are ignored).
  • Dynamic prioritizes enemies that are closer to the center of the screen without limits. This is the default option.
  • Proximity prioritizes enemies that are nearest to the player.
  • Legacy represents the original Lock-On system from the game's launch.


  • For those players who got blocked at the Umbral ending, unable to finish the game, we have great news: now when you load the character that should have received the ending, you will see the credits directly, receive the proper achievements, the proper rewards, and then get the prompt to move to NG+1, NG+0, or stay in the current world. This will also fix a potential (though not reported) issue with the Rhogar ending, should it ever occur.
  • Thanks to players sharing their saves, this has greatly helped us find the issue, and the safe way to fix it.


  • We've updated NVIDIA's DLSS3 streamline, but we have not activated Frame Generation by default yet. We'll do so once we secure its stability. To enable it, you can use this command in Steam: Lords > Properties > Launch Options and enter '-DLSSFG.' This will activate the Frame Generation option in your Graphics settings if you are using a 40 series.
  • In collaboration with EPIC, we've fixed an engine loading deadlock that can happen when using low profile CPUs. Thanks Marn for helping us profile this on his PC!
  • We've noticed that some players were using ALT+F4 during the ending cinematic, especially the Umbral one, possibly out of concern about not having a way back. We've added an additional failsafe to support an ALT+F4 exit there. However, please keep in mind that you can still choose whether to continue or exit the game after the cinematic, so there's no need to exit the game prematurely. This also covers any potential crash that could happen in that moment (or a power outage!).
  • We've enabled additional data collection for Sentry reports to gather more details about crashes occurring on specific hardware. This will help us pinpoint driver issues more accurately for NVIDIA and AMD.
  • We've added a warning when starting the game with Rivatuner activated. We've observed through Sentry that overclocking GPUs/CPUs remains as one of the primary causes of crashes.


  • We've made an engine improvement to allow us to use nanite for Umbral meshes. This should result in a noticeable performance improvement while in Umbral. For those who are curious, Umbral meshes require a complex shader that uses alpha masks, camera occlusion, animation support, vertex-animated options, pixel depth offset, and world position offset. None of these were supported by nanite meshes before. Now, once the full transition to Umbral is complete, we can take advantage of nanite technology by selectively swapping meshes depending on their shader needs.
  • We've implemented a significant optimization for the dread spawning mechanisms, ensuring that being in Umbral should no longer cause performance drops, even when surrounded by Umbral zombies.
  • Optimization of Umbral levels (Castle's donjon) involved the deletion of some hidden meshes.
  • Reduced the number of actors casting shadows in Skyrest Bridge ramparts.
  • Reduced the number of actors casting shadows in Lower Calrath's Alehouse.
  • Reduced the number of actors casting shadows in the Tower of Penance.
  • Reduced the number of actors casting shadows in the supply path to the Manse.
  • Collision optimization was performed in Lower Calrath's Bridge area.
  • Reduced the number of actors casting shadows in Skyrest's frame area.
  • Reduced the number of actors casting shadows in Redcopse Village.
  • Performed a casting shadow pass in Upper Calrath's miner district.
  • Optimization of Umbral levels in Lower Calrath involved deleting hidden meshes and preventing camera occlusion in meshes far away from the player.
  • Reduced the number of actors casting shadows in Lower Calrath's Upper Gate.
  • Reduced the number of actors casting shadows and removed foliage painted in the landscape that was far from the player and not visible in Redcopse forest.
  • In the Manse of the Hallowed Sentinels, we conducted a second pass to reduce the number of actors casting shadows, focusing on small things and details.
  • Reduced the number of actors casting shadows in Lower Calrath's Bridge area.
  • Reduced the number of actors casting shadows in Upper Calrath's nobles district.
  • Optimization of Umbral levels in Skyrest Bridge involved deleting hidden meshes and preventing camera occlusion in meshes far away from the player.
  • Global collision optimization, bug fixes, and improvements were made across the Fief of the Chill Curse.
  • Umbral optimization in Pieta's arena at Skyrest Bridge involved deleting hidden meshes and preventing camera occlusion in some meshes.
    Reduced the number of actors casting shadows in Lower Calrath's smelter area.
  • Further reductions in actors casting shadows, added extra occluders, and deleted actors inside/behind walls at Skyrest Bridge frame (Passageways/Big Towers/Underbridge/Top Bridge, etc).


  • All non-main bosses have received a health boost ranging from 10% to 20%, depending on the player's game progression (less of a boost at the start of the game and a higher boost towards the end).
  • All non-main bosses have received an overall 10% boost to their damage output, with adjustments made on a case-by-case basis to ensure they provide the appropriate level of challenge.
  • The Unbroken Promise has received a significant health increase of 18% and a 15% boost in damage output following the behavior enhancement introduced two weeks ago. We noticed that some players were engaging with it, and we felt it needed additional health and damage to match its improved (more aggressive) behavior.
  • The Lightreaper now has slightly more health, with a 10% increase, to make the final part of the combat more engaging. We observed that players were having fun, but the encounter was just a bit too short.
  • Following the behavior enhancement of the Sunless Monarch, we found that we were very close to achieving the desired level of difficulty. However, we decided to add a little more health (8%) and increase the damage of its attacks (10%) to truly provide the challenge we intended after last week's overall behavioral improvement.
  • The Sacred Resonance will now typically use the stairs to descend and will only drop through the hole if there's an opportunity to strike the player.


  • Added and adjusted leashing volumes in Revelation Depths.
  • Improved leashing volumes in the Cistern.
  • The AI could get stuck due to collisions after using a navlink. The collisions were improved to create a straight angle in the Sunless Skein.
  • The Abiding Defenders could get on top of the chest in the Manse arena. A blocking volume with "block only pawn" has been placed there, but it still allows the player to open the chest and obtain the loot.
  • Navmesh has been added to the moving platform to prevent potential cheesing of the Scarlet Shadow in one of Pilgrim's Perch's moving platforms.
  • Adjusted leashing volumes in the Manse to allow hounds to pursue players a bit further away than other enemy types.
  • Navmesh improvements have been made in some spots in the Forsaken Fen, and a general Navmesh Pass has been performed.
  • Adjusted arch/door size in Bramis Castle and made some combat space improvements to help with the fight against the Ruiner. Now it's harder to hide from him. We love cheese, but cheezing with moderation.


  • The player was able to soulflay the platform they were standing on under certain conditions. This has now been fixed.

Balancing (PVE)

  • Fixed an issue with the Lightreaper sword special attack. Now it's reactivated and can be used as intended. Players still have to complete the questline in order to unlock them.
  • We're are more leniant now when sprinting, so after a roll, you do not need to press "sprint" again, your sprint keeps going (if enough stamina is left, oc).
  • Fixed an issue where Pieta's Simulacrum spell could shoot through the floor and walls.
  • Fixed an issue with vigor muliplier runes that could result in unexpected damage output
  • Pumpskin helmet is now droppable/sellable - we are not sure why anyone would want to do this - objectively makes no sense - but now you can decide to do it, anyway
  • Buffed the Exploding Bolt decreasing its ammo cost from 10 to 4, and its damage multiplier boosted from 1.9 to 3.8.
  • Buffed the Shattering Bolt by decreasing its ammo cost from 10 to 4, and its holy damage multiplier increased from 1.9 to 3.8.
  • Dark Abbess Banner has received probably the biggest buff of all: ammo cost reduced from 15 to 4; physical damage multiplier increased from 0.5 to 1.0; physical burst damage from 2.0 to 4.0; and its fire damage multiplier from 1.5 to 3.0.
  • We've discovered a bug in which Hallowed Triptych would make all holy damage sources delivering unintended additional stagger damage. For example: from 10 intended stagger damage, would be delivering 11 or even 13 in some cases. This has been corrected. As now the bug is corrected, we can increase the Hallowed Triptych's stagger by +10%

Balancing (PVP)

First step of our PVP/PVE split is here, yet not finished!

This one is a proper PVP scaler for spells and arrows/bolts for PVP.

ZERO impact on PVE, just a pure PVP specific scaler for those.

Now using spells, ammo or throwables in PVP, shouldn't be OP.


  • We've seen quite a few questions on how passwords work for multiplayer, so we've decided to add a visual HUD indicator when password is on. For COOP, will always remain there until you manually delete the password. For PVP, now it fades away after 2 minutes, so you can understand that you'll be matchmaked for PVP with "anybody" from that point-on not just with people with password.
  • Added additional information when disconnecting from multiplayer sessions.


  • Fixed an issue with a navmesh in the mysterious (very angry) knight arena.
  • Adjusted moth walls to prevent players from leaving the boss encounter with Ursula, Infernal Enchantress and Otto.
  • Adjusted moth walls to prevent players from leaving the boss encounter at a bridge near a big castle.
  • Adjusted moth walls to prevent players from leaving the boss encounter in the Fief of the Chill Curse
  • Improved several collisions in the canyon in Deep Forest.
  • Fixed a collision issue where the player could fall through the world in the Smelter zone
  • Fixed several collisions to prevent players from skipping a big part of Redcopse Village.
  • Fixed an issue where players could get stuck close to walls near the Vestige of Bloody Pilgrim
  • Adjusted collisions near the swamp road to prevent projectiles to get stuck mid-air
  • Improved collisions for better navigation at Lower Calrath's Bridged area.
  • Added collisions to several Umbral wall pieces in the Beacon Tower in Deep Forest.
  • Adjusted collisions to prevent players from accessing the bridge edges in Fief of the Chill Curse.
  • Improved collisions for better navigation at the start of Fief of the Chill Curse.
  • Adjusted collisions to prevent players from skipping an area in Manse.
  • Added a blocking volume to prevent players from skipping the Forsaken Fen.
  • Fixed several collisions to prevent players from skipping Ursula's encounter.
  • Fixed an issue that allowed players to skip a large part of Bramis Castle by killing a Rhogar Architect in long distance near the Sundered Monarch encounter.
  • Fixed an issue where players could die immediately after respawning in Umbral near the Bringer of Silence encounter.
  • Fixed several collision issues in the canyon in Deep Forest.
  • Fixed an issue where players could get stuck at certain crystals in Bramis Castle.
  • Fixed an issue where the player's character could clip through stone walls in Bramis Castle.
  • Fixed an issue where players could get stuck while exploring the area near the lava river in Bramis Castle.
  • Fixed an issue that allowed players to reach the forge area of Lower Calrath by jumping from a broken bridge near the boss arena.
  • Fixed a collision issue with certain wooden planks in Pilgrim's Perch.
  • Fixed an issue with a stuck Bringer of Stilness that prevented him from moving and attacking in Lower Calrath if the player was at a specific spot.
  • Improved navigation, collision and camera clipping in the Fief's Beacon Area, Bramis Castle and Upper Calrath.
  • Fixed a collision issue where the player could fall through the world in Manse Cellar.
  • Fixed several collisions for beds and stairs in Manse Leprosarium.


  • Improved lighting by adjusting contrast and monochromatic look of the area between the Forsaken Fen's vista and the Shuja Hamlet.
  • Improved lighting on the Supply Route to Manse.


  • Fixed a visual glitch with the Crimson Rector outfits.
  • Fixed visual glitches that could occur while turning in place.
  • Fixed an issue where the Hallowed Knight belt shadow was wrongly cast.
  • Fixed an issue where a black cube was displayed in Defiled Sepulchre.
  • Fixed an issue with a lightreaper cutscene that could occur when fire was cast on it just before the cutscene triggered.
  • Fixed a visual glitch with incense burners that had Nanite enabled.
  • We've fixed an issue when calibrating HDR in-game and at the same time changing PS5's native HDR output was changed.
  • Fixed broken amphora materials in Abbey of the Hallowed Sisters and Empyrean.
  • Fixed visual glitches with the Abiding Defender and the Sin-Piercer outfits.
  • Added an option to deactivate Umbral distortion effects by popular demand.
  • Fixed an issue where the left-handed holstered weapons were not properly aligned with the right-handed holstered weapons position on the character's back.


  • Fixed an issue where lock-on could overlap with tutorial messages in very rare occasions.
  • Added catalyst spell power stats to the inventory tab.
  • Further improvements to the UI when completing a crimson ritual.


  • Added sound effects for the Conflagrant Seer's Crystal Straight spell.
  • Improved the sound effects for player stabs.

In Light we Walk.

Lords of the Fallen Update v.1.1.310

All Platforms:

Earlier this week, we released our 2023 Free Content Roadmap, showcasing the ongoing optimisations and enhancements we’ll be making to Lords of the Fallen, as well as the updates based on Community feedback that will be dropping in the upcoming months.

Today’s weekly Update introduces over 100 significant tweaks and improvements across the board. Alongside this, it also includes the first inventory expansion pass, a full revamp for the Sundered Monarch boss encounter, online functionality for Steam Deck, further HDR improvements… and we’re also very pleased to confirm key quest items will no longer be affected by inventory limitations. As requested by some of you, we’ve also added the option to hide damage numbers on the HUD for a more immersive experience.

By popular demand, while it wasn’t included on the initial roadmap released, we’re happy to announce work has begun to allow to re-customize your character’s appearance in-game, currently scheduled to release this side of the New Year. This feature will come with its own mini-quest to unlock it.

Let's dive into the Update!



Previously, unique items couldn't be picked up when the inventory was full. Now, key/quest items and unique items will be picked up even if the inventory is full, exceeding the inventory limit as necessary. This applies to keys, spells, quest items, ammo types, gestures, etc.

This change should also resolve any potential issues with questlines where a required item couldn't be picked up due to an "inventory full" message. Additionally, starting from patch 1.1.310, if the inventory is full, the items will drop to the ground so they can be picked up later.

Please note that the stash expansion is still in progress and will be available later this year.





  • HDR has been further tweaked to provide an even wider range of colors.


  • Online functionality is now fully operational on SteamDeck.

  • SteamDeck no longer crashes when the Scarlet Shadow spawns, so it's back on SteamDeck! VALVE's drivers should automatically update when you start the game.


  • Fixed a crash that could occur when accessing the Shrine of Orius when switching to Offline Mode.

  • Fixed a crash that could occur when quitting to the main menu while being in a multiplayer session.

  • Fixed a blocker that could prevent players from finishing the game with the Umbral ending.


  • Optimized certain actors in the game to increase performance in several areas.

  • Optimized performance in Skyrest by reducing cast shadows without reducing visual quality.

  • Optimized performance in Upper Calrath marketplace square by reducing cast shadows without reducing visual quality.

  • Optimized performance in Castle Bramis while being in Umbral.

  • Optimized performance in Penitent Path by reducing cast shadows without reducing visual quality.

  • Optimized performance in Skyrest Bridge by reducing cast shadows without reducing visual quality.

  • Optimized performance in the Manse area by reducing cast shadows without reducing visual quality.

  • Optimized performance in Red Corpse Church by reducing cast shadows without reducing visual quality.

  • Optimized performance for wither entity spawning without reducing visual quality.

  • Optimized performance in Lower Calrath by reducing cast shadows without reducing visual quality.

  • Optimized collision meshes in Lower Calrath - Bridge area to reduce collision counts and increase performance.


  • Fixed an issue with fog walls that would allow players to leave a Crimson Ritual area.

  • Added music to Crimson Rituals to increase tension in PVP.

  • Improved the UI for finishing Crimson Rituals.

  • Added additional descriptions for failed connections for Crimson Rituals.


  • Improved the UI for finishing Revenges.

Balancing (PVE-focused)

  • Stomping on drowners, hounds, and sparrows now instantly kills them.

  • Braided Ring: Summoned allies can use more ranged attacks before disappearing. The ring used to add +5, but now adds +10 with this change.

  • Pendant of Atrophy: Umbral sorceries can be cast with insufficient mana, but at the cost of wither damage. Equipping this amulet now also reduces your wither health regain rate when you deal damage. Withered health cost increased.

  • Umbral Eye of Loash: While charging a heavy attack, all damage is received as wither damage, and your posture cannot be broken. Equipping this eyeball now also reduces your wither health regain rate when you deal damage.

  • Umbral Eye of Lydia the Numb Witch: Use ranged weapons without ammunition but at the cost of withered health. Equipping this amulet now also reduces your wither health regain rate when you deal damage.

  • Hurt reactions sometimes triggered in the wrong direction. This is now fixed.


  • Now the trio in the dark spot waits more diligently for the player to be at the exact arena space before triggering the whole combat.

  • The Sundered Monarch boss encounter has received a full revamp and, as a result, it is more challenging. Achieved without tweaking his HP or damage output, pure behavioral upgrade. It's tougher.

  • Improved the hitboxes of the following bosses to better support throwable weapons: Dervla, Sundered Monarch, Lightreaper, Cleric, Hushed Saint, Reinhold, and Spurned Progeny.

  • Enhanced the combat camera behavior to prevent looking down when being close to a target.

  • Lightreaper could sometimes get out of bounds in one of the encounters, leading to him just leaving the fight.

  • Adjusted the trigger areas for the Skinstealer boss to prevent the player from hitting him from a distance without his reaction.


  • Fief of the Chill Curse: Adjusted and added leashing volumes.

  • Manse of the Hallowed Brothers: Received additional leashing volumes and added new ones.

  • Added leashing volumes for all enemies at the Cistern. Also adjusted two triggers to account for edge cases in which enemies would be unresponsive if you traverse the level backward.

  • Improved navmesh and collisions of Forsaken Fen where the fallen tree is.

  • Changed navlink position for better navigation going down one of the platforms of Pilgrim's Perch.

  • Added nav modifier volumes to avoid the AI from taking a dangerous path and getting stuck in the Cellar of the Manse.

  • Added nav modifier volumes to prevent Umbral enemies from getting stuck with collisions in the Cellar at the Manse of the Hallowed Brothers.

  • Added additional AI blocking volumes at Redcopse to avoid Umbral enemies spawning above dangerous collisions. We want our AIs to be safe, or they might resort to their syndicate against our Level Designers.

  • Tower of Penance: Adjusted and added leashing volumes.

  • Skyrest Bridge: Adjusted and added leashing volumes.

  • Adjusted spawning boxes for the enemy encounter before the Lamphunter area at Fitzroy's Gorge.

  • Applying wither damage to Fortunatrix enemies sometimes did not cause them to trigger aggro on the player. Now they always react properly.

  • Further refinement of leashing volumes in Upper Calrath's big plaza encounter.

  • Adjusted and added leashing volumes at the Skyrest Bridge.

  • Adjusted and added leashing volumes at the Pilgrim's Perch upper area.

  • Added leashing volumes for all enemies at the Empyrean.

  • Adjusted and added leashing volumes at the Abbey of the Hallowed Sisters.

  • Adjusted and added leashing volumes in Bramis Castle.

  • New leashing pass on different enemies and encounters in Lower Calrath.

  • New leashing pass on different enemies and encounters at Fitzroy's Gorge.

  • The chaser could use some floating navmesh at Redcopse Village. Navmesh has been cleaned.

  • Second pass on leashing volumes for Abandoned Redcopse, Pilgrim's Perch, Forsaken Fen, Fief of the Chill Curse, Tower of Penance, and Bramis Castle.

  • Manse of the Hallowed Brothers: Had a new leashing pass on different enemies and encounters.

  • Pieta now plays her upgraded sanguinarix animation with better alignment, regardless of the action the player was doing before interacting.

  • Corrected a navmesh on Upper Calrath for improved AI navigation.


  • Tweaked the distance of Soulflay vs. UI icon. In some cases, the interaction icon appeared, but the Soulflay was not triggering the desired effect. Now they match in all cases.

  • Fixed offsetted particles that could sometimes occur on Soulflayable umbral bellies (containers).

  • Fixed offsetted particles that could sometimes occur on Soulflayable doors.

  • Fixed a bug in which axiom items would sometimes fall through the umbral ground under certain conditions (while transitioning), making them only pickable in axiom.

Level Design

  • Abbey of the Hallowed Sisters: Tweaked existing outer collision boxes to ensure they match the invasion fog walls.

  • Empyrean: Tweaked existing outer collision boxes to ensure they match the invasion fog walls. This follows a code request to improve disconnection during host/invader connection.

  • Lower Calrath: Tweaked existing outer collision boxes to ensure they match the invasion fog walls. This follows a code request to improve disconnection during host/invader connection.

  • Bramis Castle: Tweaked existing outer collision boxes to ensure they match the invasion fog walls.


  • Adjusted umbral platforms so players won't get stuck between them in Bramis Castle.

  • Fixed a collision bug in Forsaken Fen to prevent skipping of Hushed Saint.

  • Fixed some asset collisions in Lower Calrath, making it possible both to clip and blocking the player from getting to the other side.

  • Changed collision presets for different blocking volumes that allowed projectiles to pass through in Redcopse's Church catacombs.

  • Made the rotating stairs' player collisions taller in Bramis Castle.

  • Collision tweaks in Forsaken Fen, near the vestige of the Pale Butcher.

  • Sunless Skein had some collisions that would not let projectiles pass in some narrow spaces. These have been fixed.

  • Bramis Castle has seen two places adjusted to prevent the player from getting stuck under certain conditions.

  • Bramis Castle collision fixes for an umbral bridge when transitioning from axiom.

  • Fief of the Chill Curse has seen some tweaked collisions in the cannon for smoother navigation.

  • Blocker fixed in Lower Calrath in the Smelter tower, where the player was getting stuck in a small area.

  • The player could get in and out of the game at the Abbey of the Hallowed Sisters and get a bit stuck. Also, it could get floaty and have collision issues due to collisions, so blocking volumes were added to improve and block.

  • In Abbey of the Hallowed Sister, there was a corpse with the wrong collision. The collision has been removed and placed manually with structure detail so it doesn't block the pick-up.

  • In the Cistern, an AI could get on top of the collision and get stuck while doing the charge attack.

  • There is a spot in Lower Calrath where the player can get stuck a bit due to a corpse on top of a table with block-all collision preset. The collision preset has been changed to structure detail, and now the player can move freely at that spot.

  • The waterfall cave at Pilgrim's Perch had a rock with block-all that messed with the player's navigation. The collision preset has been changed to structure detail so it doesn't interfere with navigation, but the player can't overlap with the rock.

  • Added blocking volumes to Fitzroy's Gorge to improve navmesh and prevent enemies from getting stuck after falling in certain places.

  • Fief of the Chill Curse fix for collisions on the Canyon sublevel.


  • Manse of the Hallowed Brothers has received an additional lighting pass to add extra detail, with no performance impact.

  • Redcopse Village has received an additional lighting pass to add extra detail, with no performance impact.

  • Lower Calrath has received an additional lighting pass to add extra detail, with no performance impact.

  • Forsaken Fen has received an additional lighting pass to add extra detail, with no performance impact.

  • Pilgrim’s Perch has received an additional lighting pass to add extra detail, with no performance impact.

  • Lighting in Redcopse Church Crypt has been fixed to eliminate the visible leaking in one of the tunnels caused by a spotlight. This was resolved by fine-tuning the falloff of the light without any additional cost.

  • There was a vista at the Fief of the Chill Curse that triggered fog too early.


  • Fixed the missing lantern dynamics during cinematics when cleansing the Beacon at the Fief of the Chill Curse.

  • A small camera clipping issue during Dervla’s second phase cinematics has been resolved.

  • Removed a couple of nails that were obstructing the camera view during Dervla’s phase 2 cutscene.


  • We’ve resolved the issue where the “The Empyrean” area name wouldn’t appear on-screen when entering the area.

  • Addressed a problem causing significant delays when quitting to the main menu under certain circumstances.

  • In response to community feedback, you now have the option to disable damage output numbers from the settings menu.

  • Fixed the bug that prevented players from buying more than one unique item from the faction shrines (the chrysalis purchase bug + Daralium chunk).

  • All endings now correctly display the unlocked class; previously, in some cases, it would continue showing the Radiant Purifier, even when unlocking the correct one.

  • Key rebindings and language selections will no longer reset after each version update.


  • Enhanced ambiance transitions in Manse, Tower of Penance, Pilgrim's Perch, and Forsaken Fen.


Lords of the Fallen Update v.1.1.292

All Platforms:

As stated in yesterday’s update, we want to get your boss weapons back to the level they were before Update 282. We are working fast to remedy the game in accordance with your feedback, and sometimes a fix will require further tweaking before we get it 100% right.

We thought that by discounting the highly valuable Deralium Chunks in the Shrine of Orius, as well as making these a rare loot drop from Holy Bulwarks after fully upgrading Gerlinde, that this was enough to quickly reinstate your weapon’s level. However, we overlooked the substantial amount of time this required.

We are remedying this in today’s update, for those that meet the following requirements:

  • If your current character possesses any boss weapon,
  • and has upgraded any weapon to its maximum level (+5 for boss weapons pre-patch or +10 for any other weapon).

Available for the next ten days, you will find a new item in Skyrest Bridge, granting the following:

This provides all the resources and vigor necessary to upgrade two boss weapons from level 5 to level 10.

This pickup is per character, so you can retrieve it for all your characters that meet the requirements. It can be found at Skyrest Bridge near the Shrine of Orius, in the small alcove with hammocks, where heroes, like you, take their very well-deserved rest.

free materials update lords of the fallen wiki guide 400px
Click on the image to enlarge it.

In addition to this, we’ve decreased the mana requirement for the Blessed Reflections spell and Infernal Hounds invocations, to be just an additional 50% mana to their previous pre-update cost, as opposed to the 500% they were changed to. So now they are better balanced for PVE.

As announced yesterday, we’re going to split PVE & PVP balancing in the near future, as some of you suggested, so PVP-related nerfs/buffs will never impact your PVE experience, and vice versa. But we need a little more time to do this justice.

In the meantime, our ongoing balancing will be focused on PVE.

We hope that this new pickup allows you all to continue your journey through Mournstead, while also taking advantage of the other 100+ enhancements provided in this week’s patch, including more difficult bosses, AI refinements, and HDR improvements (all based on your feedback). We’ve already seen another significant reduction in the number of crashes, as well as some great performance gains over the board, especially on hardware that presented some issues in the previous weeks. Rest assured, we continue to work diligently to further optimize the game, and look forward to sharing a free content roadmap next week.



Lords of the Fallen Patch Notes v.1.1.224

Vestiges in NG+

We hear you. And have decided to roll out some fundamental changes to ensure everyone continues to enjoy the NG+ experience, including both those who have relished the no-vestige challenge and those who would rather they were still present throughout the world.

From today's patch onward, now when you complete your initial playthrough, you will be presented with a new option before embarking on your next runthrough; you can either progress directly to the next consecutive NG (i.e if you’ve just completed NG+1, you would move onto NG+2), or you can replay the current NG at the same difficulty, albeit retaining your character, items and progression, but resetting the entire world, including NPCs and questlines. This will allow trophy hunters and completionists to seek out any outstanding tasks without having to contend with increased difficulty, should they so choose.

A further patch this coming Thursday will see further updates made to the NG+ mode; instead of removing all vestiges (as it does currently), NG+1 will only see a few disappear while keeping the key locations intact. In NG+2, a few more will disappear, and then in NG+3 all but the main HUB (Skyrest Bridge) and Adyr's Shrine vestige will disappear. This way, our initial vision remains intact but is more of a gradual adaptation, awaiting those who seek increasing levels of challenge.

Lastly, as a follow up to the popular announcement made during last week’s stream, we can confirm we have started designing the "NG+ modifier system", allowing players to fully customize their NG+ experience, whether that’s retaining all vestiges, keeping just a few, or removing them completely. It will also include other fun modifiers like a "hardcore" mode (1 death = permadeath), item randomizers, enemy randomizers, etc. The feature set is yet to be fully defined, but our current intention is to release the modifier system before the end of the year.


Enemy Density

Today as a means of helping with enemy density, we're improving our 'leashing' system, further limiting how far enemies will pursue players from their spawn point. This helps prevent large crowds of enemies from relentlessly pursuing the player when rushing through a level.

We aim to have further refinements in Thursday’s patch, including reducing the number of enemies present in areas where players most struggle. These enemies will be removed in your initial playthrough, but will remain in NG+, in keeping with the more challenging experience players are seeking.

Additionally, we are going to tweak some crowd behaviors so enemies will not swarm players as often; multiple enemies will no longer land hits at the same time,while enemies will also be a little less aggressive when swarming the player in greater numbers.



As we explained in the Q&A stream, we are targeting to deploy this ASAP for all platforms, but we want to ensure certain GPU stability levels for PC players before this happens.

We are pleased to confirm we are activating crossplay on consoles this coming Monday, with a plan to activate it on ALL platforms this coming Thursday.


Performance & Stability

Our constant efforts for improved GPU stability are paying off, and we see that right now, the numbers have been reduced drastically from launch, to less than one third of what they were day one, yet still affecting 4% of our players each hour.

We are diligently addressing the remaining 0.28% of crashes stemming from game code, while also collaborating closely with NVIDIA, AMD, and Epic to resolve any outstanding issues reported by players through Sentry.

We have a number of key improvements rolling out between today and Thursday that will drive those numbers even lower.

Progression Loss

For those players who have lost level progression, either through corrupted saves or due to the co-op related issue in v.1.1.215, please know we are working diligently on a solution for you.

We're setting up a team you can send your corrupted saves/downgraded characters to, which will respond by providing your saves with the required vigor to restore characters up to the level they were before the glitch.

Those affected by the corrupted save file, please follow the steps below:

  • Create your new character
  • Send your new character save*, the name of that character, and the level you need restored, to
  • We’ll send you back your save, with enough vigor skulls to reach the same level. You will need to restart your playthrough, but should be able to restore your progress very quickly with your high-level character.

Those affected by the co-op savegame glitch on v.1.1.215, please follow the steps below:

  • Send your affected character save*, the name of that character, and the level you need restored, to
  • We’ll send you back your save, with enough vigor skulls to reach the same level.

*Your character saves are located at %USERPROFILE%/AppData/Local/LOTF2/Saved/SaveGames





  • Added a new NG+ option that resets the game world, allowing you to restart with your current character level in the same world.

Enemy Density

  • We've improved the leashing system where enemies will stop pursuing you after a certain distance (varies by situation). This prevents overwhelming crowds of enemies if you rush through a map section.




Lords of the Fallen Patch Notes v.1.1.217


  • We fixed a crash that could occur when enemy AIs used their abilities in specific conditions.
  • Fixed a potential GPU crash caused by the initial cinematic resizing the viewport. Now it fades to black until we resolve the ratio-changing engine hiccups on some GPUs.
  • v.1.1.219 - Added additional crash information to Sentry logs to help identify source of the issue.


  • We've started a rework on how the animations of complex enemies are calculated to gain additional performance without compromising quality.
  • Skyrest has undergone further optimization of its walls to improve performance.
  • Ruiner's totems have been optimized.
  • Parasites have received an additional optimization pass.
  • Improvements have been made to shadow cost and overdraw in the Skyrest bridge area.
  • A slight animation budget optimization has been implemented to ensure that hidden enemies do not blink. Why would they blink? Instead, they will keep their eyes wide open, waiting for the player to appear, allowing for a more effective ambush.


  • Crossbowmen have undergone additional adjustments to their behavior in order to make them smarter without increasing their difficulty. This should result in a more engaging and balanced gameplay experience when encountering these enemies in the game.
  • A navmesh in the cistern has been adjusted to assist an invisible archer in targeting the player more efficiently.
  • The aggro ranges of the Deep Sparrow, Infernal Enchantress, and Mendacious Visage have been revised to prevent them from pursuing players after losing sight.
  • The Abbess and the Conflagrant Seer will now refrain from using their abilities against the player if the player is not in plain sight.
  • The worms spawned by the Mendacious Visage can now be dodged more easily.
  • There was one instance of a Pilgrim at Pilgrim's Perch who could see the player from a very far distance. Now, he will only notice the player when they get closer.
  • A fix has been implemented for archers to keep the arrow in place while applying vertical offset. This is a visual fix for archers that, when aiming at you from slopes, the arrow was being incorrectly displaced. The most visible impact was on the Holy Archer, particularly in the women's area section.
  • An update has been made to the "LookAt" behavior for NPCs to prevent neck snapping when the player gets close to them. This improvement aims to create a smoother and more natural interaction between the player and NPCs.


  • The amount of poise damage inflicted by enhanced throwable items has been reduced.
  • Dev sword won't be ruining your PVP anymore.


  • Removed root bone influence from the Stalker's Hunter body and legs to improve the visuals.
  • The Holy Archer character model has been adjusted. These changes include removing the belt from the torso, shortening the cloth on the head, and modifying CLPs to accommodate these alterations
  • Swelling on the skirt part of the Marksman Armour has been removed to improve visuals and physics.

Level Design

  • Fixed an issue where players could interact with a Soulflay Chain from the ground in Skyrest Bridge, bypassing one step of the puzzle.
  • An invasion area at Pilgrim's Perch could be easily abandoned with a simple jump. To address this exploit, we've added an additional "moth-wall".
  • Fixed an issue where players could interact with the Soulflay Chain from the ground in the Swamp area. This fix prevents players from bypassing one step of the puzzle.
  • Lock-on targeting has been re-enabled for ambush enemies in the following areas: Forsaken Fen, Fitzroy's Gorge, Cursed Fief, Redcopse, Sunless Skein, and Manse of the Hallowed Sentinels.


  • Two locations in the Forsaken Fen have been tweaked to prevent creatures from getting stuck under certain combat conditions.
  • Players can clip through the floor at a specific spot in the refractory of the Manse.
  • The camera could clip with the statue in the Leprosarium.
  • Improved the navigation of "drones" in a secret "room" within Bramis Castle.
  • Added an additional collision box for AIs to prevent them from falling through a hole at the Tower of Penance. Players can still push them through.
  • Fixed a collision issue in Lower Calrath that could prevent players from stepping on it without using a jump.
  • Collision fixes and optimization in the area around Lower Calrath's orphanage have been implemented.
  • Corrected hidden landscape collision on Manse Supply Road to prevent thrown objects from getting stuck.
  • Players were not dying properly due to the Void volume being too low on Pilgrim's Perch.
  • A collision issue between a rock and a wooden structure has been fixed to prevent players from getting stuck under certain conditions.
  • A wrong collision setup that made it difficult to pick up an item in Lower Calrath's Smelter area has been fixed.
  • A collision bug that occurred on a specific bed at Bramis Castle has been fixed.
  • Players could get stuck on a collision in the Sunless Skein.
  • Fixed a hole at Fritzroy's Gorge that could cause players to fall through it.
  • Fixed a collision on an asset that could cause players to get stuck when rolling in a certain way.
  • A misplaced collision could cause players to fall through the ground in the tutorial area.
  • v.1.1.219 - Fixed an issue in the Tower of Penance where a collision would sometimes prevent players from jumping down at a specific spot, under certain conditions, blocking their progression.


  • The LOD (Level of Detail) settings of the Strider have been updated to address an issue where the jewelry would behave unexpectedly when transitioning from LOD1 to LOD0. This update should result in a smoother and more visually consistent experience with the Strider character in the game.
  • Fixed a torn skirt by resetting the bones to their reference pose. This was discovered while cleaning her abp for optimization.
  • Fixed some ground artifacts in the Forsaken Fen.


  • Fixed controller vibration and camera shake from some level elements that ignored if the player turned that option off in the menu.



LOTF Patch Notes v.1.1.216


  • Fixed a crash that could happen when interacting with the vestige, under very specific conditions.
  • To all AMD GPU users, make sure to update to latest drivers, as AMD has pushed specific driver fixes for Lords of the Fallen.
  • To all nvidia GPU players, we highly recommend to update to latest, too.


  • The navmesh has been optimized further to avoid potential hiccups and micro-stutters- Reverted in hotfix 215
  • Revised some global textures to reduce memory usage without any apparent loss in visual quality.
  • Collisions within a secret arena at Bramis Castle (with a group of enemy drones) have been optimized and adjusted.
  • We have heavily optimized the game thread for calculating navmesh, adhering to a maximum processing time budget.
  • Umbral eggs have been optimized to check for player position only after they've been opened. What came first? The umbrie or the egg?
  • Collision optimizations in the Lower Calrath storehouse surroundings.
  • Several additional collision optimizations have been implemented to free up memory and improve the game's performance.


  • Fixed an issue in which the client could lose the ability to move under certain conditions.
  • Ensured that health, mana and sanguinarixes are refrehsed whenever you join coop or pvp, and when getting back to your world. Invaders, tho, will have half of their sanguinarixes when they spawn, to avoid endless battles.


  • The Parry Guard protection has been increased to 80%, as announced in today's stream with Fightin' Cowboy. It also avoids receiving any elemental damage or ailment.


  • Ruiners now have a higher chance to trigger their fearful charge.
  • Ruiners now aim their shield fire attack at players more accurately. Beware!
  • Parasites now follow their hosts more quickly to prevent them from straying too far when the player pulls the host far away. If they are blocked, they will teleport to the host to aid players who are siphoning them by staying close.
  • We found an issue where Pilgrim's Perch pilgrims could sometimes shoot through certain structures. This issue has now been fixed.


  • We observed an instance where Reinhold's stab attack was propelling the player in a random direction. This issue has now been fixed.
  • Menacious Visage will now react correctly with the camera if the player is positioned between the boss and the camera.

Level Design

  • A puzzle involving umbral platforms at the Empyrean could be exploited by using soulflay on one of the platforms from a specific angle.
  • A streaming volume has been adjusted in Pilgrim's Perch to ensure that some assets don't appear too late for the player.
  • Adjusted the region scalars of the enemies behind the frozen door to better match the player's level.
  • Revised the obstacles in one of the shortcuts to no longer force the player to go through the Umbral fully; now it can be crossed by simply raising the lamp.
  • Slightly adjusted the backstab tutorial to prevent the enemy from sometimes going through the fence.


  • The collisions of two umbral walls in Lower Calrath have been reviewed and updated.
  • Various ramps and staircases that didn't offer smooth navigation have been improved.
  • Two ground tiles that were causing issues with Delyth's attacks, preventing her from reaching the player, have been fixed.
  • Collision issues in the Deep Forest have been addressed to prevent enemies from getting stuck in certain situations.
  • Collision issues in the Deep Forest have been fixed to improve player navigation and prevent invisible blockers.
  • Collisions in Upper Calrath have been adjusted to provide smoother player navigation and eliminate small steps.
  • Collisions in Lower Calrath's Alehouse have been improved to better support jumping gameplay and prevent players from falling off on the other side.
  • Multiple collision fixes in Lower Calrath have been implemented to ensure the AI's navigation mesh functions correctly.
  • A rock that previously lacked collisions now has proper ones.


  • Several armor sets, including the Marksman Armour, Sin-Piercer belt, and Condemned chest, have been adjusted to address minor clipping issues that occurred when using extreme character sizes (strong or thin).
  • A few fire decals in Lower Calrath have undergone further optimization and visual enhancement.
  • Fixed an issue where a bush was clipping through a wall in the Manse of the Hallowed Brothers.
  • Camera vibrations on some elevators have been adjusted to reduce exaggerated camera shakes.
  • Fixed a soulflayable spirit that was hard to hit due to the art surrounding it.


  • Fixed a display issue for stackable items sold in vendors, where it could show a higher number than the actual available purchaseable amount after going through an anchor once.
  • Improved navigation on Faction Shrines with a gamepad, so you don't have to go all the way down to move from tier to tier.
  • Increased the password limit for multiplayer to 8 characters.
  • Removed a prompt warning of the presence of an umbral path from a boss arena, and it now only appears after the fight is over.
  • Interact prompts sometimes were not displaying the correct keybinding, depending on the chosen key.

Steam Deck

  • Fixing the red eye issue on the Steam Deck is proving to be more challenging than we initially expected, and VALVE themselves are lending a hand. In the meantime, we've ensured the Scarlet Shadow doesn't spawn, until he's been fixed. So anybody blocked by this, should be able to proceed normally - the Scarlet Shadow will be back soon.

In Light we Walk.


Patch Notes v.1.1.207


  • Fixed a crash that could occur when the soulflayed character is destroyed while the player has not yet finished the soul flay pull animation.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when the GameThread timed out waiting for RenderThread after 120 seconds.
  • A failsafe has been added to prevent an access violation crash in DirectX. The suspicion is that the RHI texture is deleted before FD3D12DynamicRHI::RHIAsyncCreateTexture2D returns.
  • A sneaky bug has been fixed where lower supported AMD cards could crash when using 32-bit wave operations in shaders instead of 64-bit.
  • We're now calling TerminateOnGPUCrash() when the GPU has actually crashed, not when it's unresponsive, to get better information on Sentry in case of crashing.
  • Fixed an issue where the wrong descriptor was passed to the d3d12 Resource constructor, resulting in asserts when getting resource allocation info for shared buffers.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when an actor in the process of being soulflayed was destroyed before the player could finish the pull animation.
  • Fixed a very rare crash that occurred when continuously hitting walls. Occasionally, the wall would take revenge and crash your game.


  • The 4000 books on the shelves at Bramis Castle now lack collision to reduce memory usage.
  • It was gardening day on the Fief, and several trees have been optimized.
  • Certain UI textures have been optimized to load more quickly and reduce their VRAM usage.


  • Fixed an issue where the audio from the host could sometimes not be heard by the client when in spectator mode after dying.


  • In some instances, when using the lamp to traverse certain platforms in Axiom, falling would trigger the fall animation twice. Now it only triggers once as intended.


  • Fixed enemies that could sometimes be spawned in a T-pose at the lower part of the manse.
  • Tweaked the navmesh on a small section of Lower Calrath to help AI navigate better in that complex environment setup.
  • Trapper's traps can now be destroyed with ranged options such as arrows, grenades, magic, and more.


  • In one of the character's quests, there was a big door that would disappear. Now, when it disappears, it does so with style, as we've added moth particle systems to the disappearance.


  • Collisions on some umbral platforms in the cistern have been fixed to improve the navigation of certain enemies.
  • On the Fief, during our gardening day, we've improved trees that needed better collision detection.
  • We've covered a ground hole in Pilgrim's Perch that was causing players to fall through it. It wasn't visible enough and felt unfair.
  • We've fixed the collision of a small wood platform in Lower Calrath that was causing Bringers of Stillness to fall through it instead of lurking from the shadows.


  • We've added a new (slightly sexier) sound when pressing "continue" in the main menu.
  • The Exclusive Section of the Collector's Edition now has a specific song.

Steam Deck

We've identified the issue causing the game to crash on Steam Deck in the latest builds. We have a fix, and as soon as it passes QA, we'll publish it tomorrow. In the meantime, please ensure that you've updated your Steam Deck software to "Stable" (not "BETA" or "Preview"). Additionally, you can work around the issue by booting the game on your PC and resting at a vestige to get rid of the red eye.


Patch Notes v.1.1.203

Release Date: October 18th, 2023

Live now on Steam

Developer's Introduction

Greetings Lampbearers,

Today has been a good day. Our bug kill count has reached its highest to date, thanks to your support via Sentry.

Additionally, we have begun to implement more substantial performance improvements. This is aimed at freeing up VRAM to provide additional headroom for GPUs that are operating at the limit of their capabilities. This process is taking some time because we are committed to ensuring that you do not lose any quality.

You guys keep exploring Mournstead. We keep pushing hefty updates for you.


  • Fixed a crash that could occur when an NPC was talking, under very specific conditions.
  • Fixed a rare crash that could happen when enemies were targeting players when using some of their abilities
  • Fixed a rare crash that could occur when interacting with certain in-game elements.
  • Fixed a crash that could happen with some Niagara particles that left a trail behind them.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when running out of ammo and trying to perform an action that consumes ammo.
  • Fixed a rare crash related to player spawning in multiplayer by the host when the client is still not fully ready.
  • Fixed a rare crash that could occur when resurrecting at an anchor.
  • Fixed a crash when being invaded by a player who happens to lose connection at the right frame.
  • Moved 2 parameters from local saves to settings save to provide more configurable options to GeForce Experience.


  • Adjusted Soulflay texture sizes and materials to make them easier for the GPU to handle VRM-wise.
  • Reworked some UI elements to free up memory.
  • Reduced memory allocation for environment interaction to free up approximately 16MBs of memory.
  • Anchor images are now loaded only when interacting with vestiges.
  • Fixed several textures used throughout the game to reduce VRAM consumption by approximately 10MBs.


  • Crimson Rector's parasites will no longer trigger heavy reactions on the player.


  • Sparky has received some additional lines of dialogue.


  • Balancing adjustments have been made for NG+ bosses and regions, especially in the almost end-game stages of NG+. We felt we were too enthusiastic and the previous curve was too steep.
  • Molhu has decided to reduce the price of seeds in his store from 2,500 vigor to 1,200 vigor.


  • Fixed player behavior during interactions with NPCs and vendor screens, which could lead to weird orientations.
  • Modified Vestige interactions to allow camera movement while interacting with the vestige.


  • Fixed a small collision bump that could cause AIs to get stuck near Agatha's vestige.
  • Fixed a missing Umbral navmesh in Pilgrim's Perch East section that would make umbral inhabitants stop pursuing players.
  • Fixed a small ground issue at Skyrest Bridge.


  • Umbral nail attack from a secret boss has been optimized for AMD cards.
  • Adjusted banners FX angle that could sometimes be rotated too much.
  • Reworked both poison and Umbral mists to look better, addressing issues with pixelization observed on some streams.
  • Optimized Barrage of Echoes spell.
  • Steps VFX now disappear when off-screen instead of being frozen but still calculated.
  • Improved the Lightreaper jump attack particles to make it even more spectacular.
  • Fixed skinning issues for the sword of a very important person.
  • Crossbowmen now have more noticeable and persistent arrow trails for increased visibility and directionality.


  • Modified the maximum length for online session passwords to 8 characters, as players typically use 4-6 character words.
  • Added additional sounds to the splash screen.
  • Now, if you equip ammo or a spell that cannot be used, the (X) button is also displayed in the widget.
  • Fixed a bug where the character name pop-up couldn't be closed with the gamepad when spamming (A) or (B) while opening it.
  • Reverted the "any button shows (A) to skip" in cinematics, as it wasn't working well on some devices.

3D Photo Mode

  • Fixed an issue where the camera of a saved 3D scene in 3D Photo Mode could be in the wrong position, adding failsafes to prevent this from happening.
  • Fixed a bug where the state of doors (opened/closed) and a few other interactables was not being saved in the 3D photo.


Patch Notes: 1.1.191

October 14th, 2023
7 Min Read

Live now on Steam & PS5 with Xbox and EPIC following shortly.

All Platforms:



Bringers of Stillness and Scarlet Shadows have had the damage output of their two gap-closing attacks reduced to not be so punishing when attacking from their own shadow.
Charred Spirits in the lower city have seen their damage output slightly nerfed, from 80 to 64 to compensate for them being the most aggressive "walking corpse" type.
All "walking corpses” have seen their charged attack damage reduced from 1.18 to 0.8, as their animations are not properly reflecting the danger of the hit. Their anticipation has been slightly adjusted for better readability.
Skein working forces have now a better-adjusted hitbox, as we felt it was spawning just a few frames too early.
Barrage of echoes (eyeball umbral spell) has received an additional failsafe to make sure they always explode when hitting any environment element.
Adjusted the hit direction of some projectiles that could make the player hit-react in an undesired direction. Purely cosmetic.
Ruiner has seen his fire shield attack and his jump knockdown attack damage slightly reduced. In exchange, his standard damage has been slightly buffed from 81-95. The idea is for players to still be scared of him, but reduce the amount of one-shots in later regions of the game.


The Spurned Progeny has received a small tweak to make sure he never interrupts one of his combos, regardless of the player's actions.
The arena of the trio of secret bosses hiding at a secret place, has been tweaked to help them navigate the space more efficiently. Also, if they enter the column in shadow form, they now know how to exit. They’re effectively more dangerous adversaries now.

After optimization, Pieta's Armour lost some of the IDs for the tincts. This has been corrected so tincts can be properly applied to it.
Fixed a nanite mesh on the 3D Gallery background that was incorrectly animated, creating white dot artefacts.



Barrage of echoes eyeballs explosion had a lingering VFX that could be kept active for longer than intended, which hindered performance if abused.

Photo Mode:

Photo Mode had a small black line on the right-bottom corner. This line is now gone.

Umbral stigmas now have a nicer sound for their activation and deactivation.


We've deactivated the ability to parry other players' kicks to allow an additional option when you find a very good "parrier".


Platform Specific


We've worked diligently to fix some of the issues that unfortunately have affected some of our players.

Rest assured that our commitment to enabling as many people as possible to immerse themselves in our game world is what drives our passion.Thanks to the data provided to our "Sentry" bug database by players who clicked "send" on the crash report pop-up, we've been able to identify four main issues:

Non-Updated Drivers: Lords of the Fallen is powered by UE5, a high-end technology that requires the latest GPU drivers. We've observed that the majority of crashes result from outdated drivers.That's why, starting now, when the game launches, it checks for the installed drivers and prompts an update if they are not up to date, redirecting to the respective GPU providers: Nvidia or AMD
Frame Generation Stability. Despite our eagerness to provide players with the latest technologies, Sentry noticed that Frame Generation is also leading to crashes under specific conditions.We have decided to temporarily deactivate Frame Generation until our collaboration with NVIDIA allows us to deliver more stable drivers. This action is intended to prevent the crashes that some players are experiencing with their brand-new 40 series GPUs.

Unidentified GPU crashes: An engine error that could occur with certain 30 and 40 series GPUs, causing the game to crash even with auto-set graphics, has been partially addressed. EPIC has promptly provided us with a patch that includes additional fail-safes to prevent those crashes, and it's been integrated to resolve most of these crashes. We've also observed that quite a few players enable settings that their rigs cannot handle, especially in terms of VRAM. If you experience instability, low frame rates, or even crashes (especially DX12 crashes), simply click on "AUTO-SET" within the Graphics Settings, and this will most likely resolve your issues.

Crash after first cinematic: An issue with the engine code related to the calculation of Pipeline State Objects (PSOs) has been identified in Sentry. This issue resulted in crashes when shaders were being compiled after the first cinematic of the game. EPIC has been swift and efficient in providing a solution, which has now been integrated into the game and should resolve the majority of cases. However, if the issue still persists, we've provided a workaround to allow you to access the game. Please note that this workaround may result in some micro-freezes the first time you enter a new area of the game. To deactivate PSOs calculation, please follow these steps:

  1. Right click on the game in your Library
  2. Click on Propertiesc.
  3. In the General tab, enter the following modifier in the Launch Options text box: -nopsos
  4. Please refer to our if you are still experiencing issues.



We've fixed the issue with the loading of low LODs for the Xbox Series X.


Steam Deck:

Steamdeck now has a virtual keyboard.


Patch Notes: 1.1.193

Sentry Report Tool:

As an illustration, four of the crashes we've fixed in today's patch are direct reports from Sentry:

We've addressed a crash that could occur when the host was holding a specific item.
We've resolved a crash that could occur when enemy AIs moved sideways while targeting the player.
We've fixed a crash that could occur in very specific circumstances when spawning the destructible particles that appear when using an umbral exit point.
We've fixed a rare crash that could occur when showing the tendrils connecting the soul and its victim.

POS Calculation Crash:

Regarding the crash on the first loading screen, while we await a permanent fix in collaboration with EPIC, we've discovered another workaround thanks to MitoGouken:

Go to "X:\Steam\steamapps\common\The Lords of the Fallen"
Right click on "LOTF2.exe" - Click on Properties
Go to the Compatibility tab
Activate compatibility with Windows 8
Disable fullscreen optimizations
Run this program as an administrator

This is a preferable solution to the previous workaround as it still utilizes precompiled shaders, ensuring that you won't experience micro-stutters when entering a new biome. We recommend trying this workaround first, and if it doesn't work, then you can add "-nopsos" to access the game.


DLSS Frame Generation Manual Activation:

Yesterday, we globally deactivated DLSS Frame Generation after discovering through Sentry that it was one of the main causes of crashes on 40 series GPUs for the vast majority of its owners.

However, some community members have requested that we reactivate it because they were not experiencing issues and preferred the higher framerate it offers.

While we won't be activating it by default until the issue is fully resolved, we've added a way for you to manually activate it if you wish by adding in launch options "-DLSSFG".


Auto-Set Tweaks:

Windowed Fullscreen with VSync is now the default setting.
The Auto-Set button now will set the game in windowed fullscreen and activate vsync.

Other Fixes:

We've fixed an issue where attacking enemies from behind sometimes wouldn't apply the additional damage.
We've addressed several rare crashes in the USteamUtilsSubsystem that occurred when Steam was switched off but the game was still being played.


Patch Notes 1.1.195

Sentry Reporting Tool:

Another crash has been resolved, thanks to player reports (keep clicking that send button!).
Fixed a crash that could occur when enemies alerted each other about the presence of the player.


The "snipers" at Pilgrim Perch have had their aiming capabilities revised. They now have a high chance of missing their shots when the target is beyond 15 meters.


After noticing that players were often disregarding status effect resistance rings and runes, we've decided to give them all a noticeable boost to make them more competitive with other types and incorporate them into some builds.
Slightly increased the second hit damage for one-handed Grand Swords' forward heavies to match it with its slightly slower animation.


Fixed an NPC corpse that was interactable before meeting the proper quest requirements.
Modified "the moving merchant" to sell 2 copies of the Slave Hunter Dagger, encouraging players to explore the dual-knives dual-wielding stance, which may be slightly overpowered and subject to potential nerfs in the future.


Several throwable items have been adjusted to eliminate camera collision properties, preventing undesired "zoom-ins".
Text spilling on "Attack Power" has been resolved for several languages, including french, italian, brazilian portuguese and Spanish.
A streaming volume issue at the Fief of the Chill Curse has been resolved to prevent players from falling into the void while the map wasn't fully loaded, particularly for players like Auteru.

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    • Anonymous

      I can’t move items from my coffer to the inventory. Also when I acquire vestige seedlings they do not appear in my inventory. Likewise an acquired singuinitrex disappeared. Can anyone help.

      • Anonymous

        Is anyone having issues with their game not saving? Multiple times I'll grind in a day, just to comeback the next day to find that I'm 10 levels back and the game didn't auto save. This has happened 4 times now and I'm not playing the game until I figure out why.

        • Anonymous

          Not one thing released months ago is in this guide. Why? This is still wiki correct? WTF, we don't need patch notes. We need guids on DLC updates. Eldin Ring DLC is not happening on wiki based on this half ass guide.

          • Anonymous

            Seriously I would have used that upgrade somewhere else I would have never used it on this stupid sword putting it to level five if I was only going to get two freaking slots man there's only four in a goddamn game it's a freaking waste now I'm so freaking pissed off man not cool man

            • Anonymous

              The only reason I used one of the only four slabs in the game was because I wanted the fifth slot on pietas sword and now you've nerf it and take it away I would have never made this stupid sort of level 5 without getting the elemental star this is bullshit

              • Anonymous

                Hey look here Devs That's some not cool at all I didn't spend all this money and then put all my time and effort into leveling up this piano sword for you to take away a rune slot That's not cool at all man I spent hours and hours and hours around this build and then for you to nerf it that way is absolutely bogus seriously man I got a hundred hours into this game to playthroughs and I'm so pissed off right now it makes me never want to play your stupid game anymore

                • Anonymous

                  To the developers.. and anyone reading this please give me a like... It would be nice if there was a way to switch from catalyst to throwables without having to open the menu and then click through the options to pick the hand or the catalyst... There's a lot of times that you want to switch between throwables and spells but you have to literally open up the menu and scroll through if there was some way to quick switch this would be a big big big quality of life help

                  • Anonymous

                    Seriously the biggest thing here is if you could have ruin in a sword that says increase physical damage and then you look at the stats on that sword it's the same thing if you put a ruin in that says increase elemental damage or elemental stats all these should increase damage profile but when you look at the weapons info it hasn't changed a bit it's absolutely a pain you can't figure anything out you have to go to a vestige and test it even fighting cowboy has said something about this multiple times. People have been asking for this and it's easy to fix this has been talked about for weeks since launch and I'm a big form software fan and I like this game even more than some of theirs. This would make the game so much better. Do you guys even read these comments if you do could you let me know that you're going to fix this can I get a thumbs up anybody

                    • Anonymous

                      I sure wish that they would adjust the damage number after putting in runes or other things that give buffs to weapons for example if you put a rune in that says give more damage or if you put a rune in that says race strength stats it doesn't tell you what your total damage or what the benefit is you have to literally run to another vestige hit somebody and then run all the way back to adjust to keep testing

                      • Anonymous

                        Ran into a situation where I cant access the Bramis castle as the door to the path will not open, I have the correct item and the progression needed. Looked it up online and it seems like there are many others that have ran into this problem. as far as I can tell I am screwed and cant finish the run.

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