Shrine of the Putrid Mother

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Use Plucked Eyeballs to purchase items at the Shrine of the Putrid Mother 

Shrine of the Putrid Mother in Lords of the Fallen (LotF) is a statue that offers players unique Armor pieces and tincts. These items can only be purchased with Plucked Eyeballs, a form of currency that players can only acquire by avenging fallen lampbearers through online Co-Op.


What is the Shrine of the Purtrid Mother in The Lords of the Fallen

The Shrine of the Putrid Mother is a statue that can only be accessed when players are in the Umbral Realm. Interacting with it allows players to purchase various Armor and tincts, but can only be purchased with Plucked Eyeballs.

Plucked Eyeballs are the currency used here that can only be acquired by avenging fallen lampbearers through online Co-Op. To do so, players will need to look out for lamps that are on the ground with red-colored moths around them. When interacting with it, the red moths will make a trail toward an enemy that the lamp owner was defeated by. Defeat the enemy to gain Plucked Eyeballs.

The player can also farm Plucked Eyeballs from the Womb of Despair and Bringer of Stillness enemies as a drop, albeit at a extremely low drop rate.


 shrine of the putrid mother avenge fallen 1 lotf wiki guide 300px avenge fallen enemy shrine of the putrid mother lotf wiki guide 300px


How to use the Shrine of the Putrid Mother in The Lords of the Fallen

Just like for Shrine of Orius, and the Shrine of Adyr , there are three tiers that players can unlock when a certain amount of Plucked Eyeballs are spent. Each tier grants players with different types of Armor and different sets of tincts. Pay attention to the bar below to see the progress, spending plucked eyeballs will fill up the progression bar.

As this is an online co-op function, the Progress bar is not just the progress of the player, but is it the progress of the whole community. When players donate their Plucked Eyeballs, it fills up the progression bar for all of the online players. Therefore players will need to donate a large amount of Plucked Eyeballs alongside the community players to fill the progression bar to unlock tiers.


shrine of the putrid mother progression bar lotf wiki guide


Where to Find the Shrine of the Putrid Mother in The Lords of the Fallen

Shrine of the Putrid Mother can be found next to the NPC Molhu. From the Vestige of Ethryg, head to the left side of and enter the doorway on the left. Head up the stairs and go through the room. Players will need to be in the Umbral Realm to be able to speak with the NPC Molhu which can be seen on the right side of the room, and to interact with the Shrine of the Putrid Mother which can be seen across the stairs. 

 Click on the images attached to enlarge them.

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Multiplayer Menu in The Lords of the Fallen

The multiplayer menu can be accessed by visiting a Vestige, you may choose these options

  • Beckon Lampbearer: A function to invite other online players not on your friends list.
  • Beckon Friend: A function to invite players on your friends list.
  • Accompany Lampbearer: A function that allows you to help other online players in their world.
  • Slaughter Lampbearer: A matchmaking function that allows you to invade other online players' worlds to start a duel.


Lords of the Fallen Shrine of the Putrid Mother Notes & Tips

  • Notes, Tips, and Other Trivia for the Shrine of the Putrid Mother in Lords of the Fallen go here.
  • Interacting with the Shrine of the Putrid Mother for the first time will grant players the Putrid Mother's Embrace Gesture.
  • With recent patches, all regions now have the same currency gains, also shrine prices and tiers.

    Most of the regions in the world get 3 Plucked Eyeballs, while SEA region gets 150 Plucked Eyeballs per revenge, vpn usage also allows you to get same rewards, items in the shop also differ in price and tier.
    Shrine shop state is decided when you have the right region while the game is launched, after that it will only change when you change your region and restart the game.
    Currency gain can be changed at any time, the ip is checked while the currency is gained, also currency is account wide.


LotF Shrine of the Putrid Mother Shop Inventory

Lords of the Fallen Quick Search of All Shrine of the Putrid Mother Items

Type Tier Plucked Eyeballs
Cost per item
Ashen, Contempt, Bonelord, Starved
Armour Tincts Tier 1 Everywhere 50 Patched Out
100 Everywhere
Umbral Scouring
Consumable Not sold in SEA (Patched Out)
Tier 1 Everywhere
Not sold in SEA (Patched Out)
3 Everywhere
Eye of Vengeance
Consumable Tier 1 Everywhere 50 Patched Out
100 Everywhere
Rotting Glory
Armour Tincts Tier 1 Patched Out
Tier 2 Everywhere
50 Patched Out
100 Everywhere
Rebirth Chrysalis
Respec Item Not sold in SEA (Patched Out)
Tier 2 Everywhere
Not sold in SEA (Patched Out)
75 Everywhere
Livid Hatred, Hungering Shadow, Nohuta
Armour Tincts Tier 2 Everywhere 50 Patched Out
100 Everywhere
Malice, The Relinquished
Armour Tincts Tier 3 Everywhere 50 Patched Out
100 Everywhere
Arm Bones, Leg Bones
Armour Tier 1 Patched Out
Tier 3 Everywhere
250 Patched Out
350 Everywhere
Torso Bones
Armour Tier 2 Patched Out
Tier 3 Everywhere
500 Everywhere
Armour Tier 3 Everywhere 250 Patched Out
400 Everywhere


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    • Anonymous

      I haven't tested this yet, but in theory, you could use a smurf account to generate lamps wherever you want, as much as you want, right? Of course, that means buying the game a second time or taking up a family share slot if you play on steam, but if you're as desperate as I am... it might be worth considering.

      • Anonymous

        best farm for eyes is the vestige of the forgotten guardian, every 3 minutes there's a red lamp connected to the reaper that's always on its own plus it has a small chance of dropping 2

        • Anonymous

          in response to @Sci's comment, i got a plucked eyeball as a drop from a womb of despair when i was farming the scarlet reaper for umbral shrimps. drop rate has to be super low since i only got one in maybe half an hour or so and having quite a few of those guys spawn

          • Anonymous

            We must honour our family history! Like my father, and his father before! We must continue the Plucked Eyeball farm in hopes of finishing what they started nearly 100 years ago!

            • Anonymous

              Patch to make everything harder and nerf stuff into the ground, raise boss items and NOT refund people for their lost chunks

              And they still have not fixed the Respec item not being able to be purchased despite having the required 75 eyes

              • Anonymous

                Unfair how Australia gets 150 Plucked eyeballs per red lantern, and the rest of the world gets only 2 or 3 . Also in Australia the prices for the armors are lower, , like what u see in the table on this page, whereas for EU and America, it is 350, 450, 500 per PIECE of armor . This is unfair that I have to use an Australian VPN to not waste months farming with the 3 Plucked Eyeballs per red lantern we get on EU . :(

                • Anonymous

                  Wait I play offline and I can still avenge these lamp bearers quite often. How is this a thing if you only play offline? Is this intentional?

                  • Anonymous

                    This freaking dumb statue has Umbral Scourings for 'sale'.
                    All it does is eat 1000$ and makes 2 of my Scourings in imventory disappear.

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