Upgrades in Lords of the Fallen (LotF) are a crucial feature in most Soulslike games. They enable players to level up, improve, and develop various aspects of the game. By collecting materials and upgrading equipment, players can create their own set of items and enhance their character progression. This page offers a comprehensive guide on how to unlock essential features in the game and how to use the upgrading feature effectively. It also provides a detailed list of the items that can be crafted or upgraded through this method.
Lords of the Fallen Upgrades Guide - Progression
Lords of the Fallen (LotF) is categorized under the infamous Soulslike Genre, it is expected that most of the mechanics from the past Soulsborne titles can also be found in the game. From character progression to weapon upgrades, especially stat allocation that determines a player's overall build. Having said that this game follows the footsteps of previous Soulsborne titles, Soulslike veterans will find the general mechanics familiar and will breeze through it. However, this page mainly focuses on newcomers in the genre who want to have a brief idea of how the general progression works.
From character leveling, weapon upgrades, Umbral Lamp upgrades, and getting helpful items such as HP and MP recovery items. This page covers almost all of the essential features that a player needs especially when traversing the perilous land of Mourstead in both Axiom and Umbral Realm, full of challenging adversaries. Know the essential features to gain a significant progress especially for those who are new to the genre.
Lords of the Fallen All Upgrade Materials
Small Deralium Fragment
Deralium ore used for basic weapon upgrades. Upgrades all Equipment such as Weapons, Armor, and Shields, including Catalysts up to +2.
Regular Deralium Nuggets
Deralium ore used for basic weapon upgrades. Upgrades all Equipment such as Weapons, Armor, and Shields, including Catalysts up to +5.
Large Deralium Shards
Deralium ore used for basic weapon upgrades. Upgrades all Equipment such as Weapons, Armor, and Shields, including Catalysts up to +9.
Deralium Chunk
Deralium ore used for basic weapon upgrades. Upgrades all Equipment such as Weapons, Armor, and Shields, including Catalysts up to +10.
Saintly Quintessence
A relic used to upgrade the Sanguinarix. Increase your Radiance to gain further insight. Players will need to speak to Pieta at Skyrest Bridge to upgrade the Sanguinarix.
Upgrades Quick Navigation for LotF
Leveling ♦ Weapon Upgrades ♦ Magic Spells ♦ Sanguinarix Upgrades ♦ Umbral Lamp Upgrades
Lords of the Fallen Upgrades Guide
Leveling in Lords of the Fallen
In Lords of the Fallen, players must keep their character properly leveled up to cope with the challenges being provided by the game. Leveling is a core mechanic in every Soulslike title and players must pay close attention to increasing the Lampbearer or their character's stats, as every stat increase also increases the character's level. This is an essential mechanic of the genre. While players may have the option to focus on weapon upgrades or spell usage, the core progression of the character is firmly based on his current level and stats. Having a good understanding of game stats is essential for players who want to optimize their build and improve their combat skills.
Increasing certain stats can unlock new abilities and weapon choices that are specific to that stat. For example, if a player decides to prioritize Strength over Agility, they will have access to powerful Strength-based weapons like Greatswords and Colossal weapons. On the other hand, Agility-based weapons will be more effective for players who prioritize Agility. To help players plan, below is a brief overview of each stat and what it does.
What is Vigor in Lords of the Fallen?
In the game, Vigor is a currency that players can get in various ways, such as defeating enemies or consuming an Enervated Vigor Skull. With Vigor, players can buy new equipment, materials, and services from merchants that will help them progress through the game. Vigor is essential in the game because it allows players to upgrade and enhance their gameplay experience, especially when upgrading weapons. Moreover, players can allocate additional stats to their Lamp Bearers by using the amount of Vigor they possess to level them up.
How to Level Up in Lords of the Fallen
Vestiges are a crucial element in the game as they are checkpoints that provide players a brief respite and recuperate. Finding and activating a Vestige is not an easy task as players may face challenges, such as enemies or environmental obstacles before finding and activating one. The said checkpoints were placed strategically across the realm thus it is advisable to be strategic while progressing.
Upon activating a Vestige, players can take advantage of a handful of features such as fast-traveling however, we would like to focus on Leveling. Players can level up by interacting with Vestiges and use their accumulated Virgo after defeating enemies. Players can use it to add stat points to their desired stats to increase their combat prowess. As mentioned previously, players need to be intricate in what stats or builds they will focus on.
Lords of the Fallen Character Main Stats

Attribute governing Physical Attack and Defense

Attribute governing over Stamina and Weight

Attribute governing over HP and weight

Attribute governing over Mana.
Required to wield certain equipment.

Attribute governing over Mana.
Required to wield certain equipment.
Weapon Upgrades in Lords of the Fallen
Weapons in Lords of the Fallen (LotF) play a pivotal role in the lampbearer's journey. This is the main factor that determines the protagonist's overall combat prowess. The stronger the weapon, the higher the chances that players may overcome their adversaries. Essentially, Lords of the Fallen followed the general design of how weapon upgrades go, similar to Dark Souls titles. Thus, Souls veterans will be well adapt easily to this mechanic. The level of weapon upgrades is determined by its total plus or +. For example, weapon 1 has seven levels of upgrades, it will be presented as Weapon +7. The higher the +, the stronger the weapon gets.
How to unlock the Blacksmith in Lords of the Fallen?
We all know that weapon upgrades are essential in general progression, however, how can one upgrade their weapons? It will all start with finding Gerlinde. Gerlinde is a Blacksmith imprisoned in Pilgrim's Perch. Upon arriving at this level, starting from the Pilgrim’s Perch Bellroom Vestige, head to the nearest lift and it will lead you to the lower levels. Facing the exit of the lift, take a sharp turn to the left and notice that there is a huge cell in the area below you. Beware as the cell is being guarded by a sentry equipped with a shield and a mace. You shouldn't be having too many issues in dealing with this enemy if he is alone.
This battle comes with a treat due to his dog-like minions that will join the fight. It suggested taking out his companions before dealing with him. Upon defeating the sentry, he will drop a Prison Cell Key. After getting the key, approach Gerlinde's cell and release her from it. Return to Skyrest Bridge and head where Stomund is located. In the area where Stomund is facing. Follow the hall and you will soon find that Gerlinde set a workshop for you to access. From here on out, you can buy valuable items from her and upgrade your weapons. Upgrading your weapons requires Vigor and Deralium Ores. Note that the higher the upgrades, the more Vigor the upgrade requires. While the cost increases, on certain levels of upgrades, the process will require different types of Deralium Ores.
Where to get Deralium Ores in Lords of the Fallen?
Deralium Ores are essential materials in upgrading weapons and finding these materials is no easy task. There could be a lot of sources of these valuable materials. Players can get Deralium Ores as NPC quest rewards, enemy drop loot, or get these ores from chests scattered across the land of Mornstead. It can be a regular loot as well, hidden in hard-to-find areas. So keep your eyes peeled and be always on the lookout.
Weapon Stat Scaling in Lords of the Fallen
When playing Lords of the Fallen, it is important to pay attention to weapon upgrades and Weapon Scaling. To deal more damage, you need to invest in the scaling stat that corresponds to the weapon you are using. If a weapon has multiple scaling stats, you should focus on increasing the stats that provide the greatest damage per point invested in a particular attribute.
Lords of the Fallen uses letter grades to indicate the quality of scaling, with S being the highest grade, followed by A, B, and so forth, with being E the lowest grade. Each letter corresponds to a specific range of percentage increments relative to the corresponding stat.
What are Runes in Lords of the Fallen?
Players will have the freedom to take advantage of weapon upgrades but another feature can also be a great addition to the said upgrades. Introducing the use of Runes in Lords of the Fallen. Runes Usage is a returning feature from the previous title. This feature further increases the efficacy of weapons as it adds further stats, making them stronger and more effective. Lampbearers can get Runes when exploring the world of Mournstead just like other necessary materials in weapon upgrades.
Boss Weapons in Lords of the Fallen
Special weapons in Lords of the Fallen ( LotF) commonly known as Boss Weapons are unique sets of equipment that players can get by exchanging a special type of material known as Umbral Scouring from a defeated boss. Compared to regular weapons, Boss weapons usually harness unique abilities, better stats, and distinct designs. These weapons are usually the strongest weapons that a player can take advantage of on their Journey. To acquire a Boss Weapon, players need to trade a Bowl of Memory to Molhu in Skyrest Bridge. After giving the Bowl of Memory to Molhu, the Boss Remembrance Trading will be unlocked. Players can then exchange Umbral Scourings for Boss Weapons.
Builds in Lords of the Fallen
One of the most important aspects of gameplay is the ability to create a build that suits your playstyle. This feature is also one of the most engaging mechanics in Soulslike titles by making your character truly your own. A build is essentially a combination of different elements that can include specific stats, weapons, armor, and other items. These elements work together to help you achieve your objectives in both battles and exploration. Each build is unique and has its approach to gameplay. A well-designed build can give you an edge in both PvE and PvP situations.
As mentioned earlier, by choosing the right elements or stats for your build, you can create a character that is tailored to your specific needs and preferences. Whether you prefer to focus on strength, agility, magic, or some other attribute, there is a build that can help you achieve your goals. With the right combination of elements, you can enhance your character's capabilities and increase your chances of success in any situation.
What is Magic in Lords of the Fallen?
Magic in Lords of the Fallen (LotF) is a set of unearthly abilities that players can take advantage of. Aside from a vast array of equipment that players can choose from, it is highly advisable to explore Magic Spells as well as it may aid you in your journey. Not only most magic spells are helpful in general combat, but magic spells can bolster a build's efficacy or provide a solid identity to it. An example would be a Pyromancer Build that focuses on Fire Spells or Fire Elemental Buffs. The build wouldn't be effective without the said spells and wouldn't bear the build's name properly. Magic Spells in Lords of the Fallen do not revolve mainly around offensive Spells but players can also perform defensive and restorative spells that may add gameplay value or variations in character builds.
A good example would be, character builds that focus on physical damage. This means that the main priority of this build is to focus on either Strength or Agility. However, increasing Radiance and Inferno to wield Magic Spells a little bit may add value since it will have access to certain Magic Spells. However, it is advisable to be mindful of how many points a player should allocate to Magic-based Stats if the build focuses on Strength and Agility since these Stats should be the ones to be focused on. In a traditional Soulslike game, be reminded that players can deal with a huge amount of Magic Spells thus, they are encouraged to explore and know each spell's effects and possible advantages that they get.
What are Schools of Magic in Lords of the Fallen?
In Lords of the Fallen, spell types can be categorized under three Schools of Magic. Rhogar explores the spells of the god of chaos Adyr which revolves around fire spells, Radiant which teaches and focuses on restorative and supportive spells, and Umbral which harnesses the spells of the goddess of Umbral which contains a variety of attack and offensive spells. Each school has its edge in combat and it is up to the player to determine what school to focus on or have a mix of it all.
How to get Magic Spells in Lords of the Fallen?
In Lords of the Fallen, players can get Magic Spells when exploring the realm. Spells can be obtained by defeating Bosses or enemies or they can be obtained from treasure chests hidden in secret areas. While it is expected some of these spells can be a reward from NPC quests as well.
Schools of Magic in Lords of the Fallen
The holy magic of the god Orius provides supportive magic and healing spells.
The magic of the goddess that rules the Umbral realm grants its bearers unearthly spells that can be used in a variety of situations
The magic of the god of chaos Adyr that harnesses fire magic spells
What is a Sanguinarix in Lords of the Fallen?
Sanguinarix serves as the primary tool that players can use to replenish HP when needed. Take it as your Estus Flask in Dark Souls or Flask of the Crimson Tears in Elden RIng. Compared to the previous Soulslike titles, the Sanguinarix can also be upgraded, boosting its efficacy in combat. Further upgrades can increase its restorative powers and even the number of charges that players can use during combat.
Unlocking the Upgrade of Sanguinarix in LotF
Thankfully, upgrading a player's Sanguinarix can be done in the early stages of the game. However one must do a challenging task before unlocking the feature. To do so, players need to head to the Abandoned Redcopse and defeat the main boss of the area which is Pieta, She of the Blessed Renewal. Defeating Pieta will release her from her undesirable state and will move on to the next area which is the main hub in the game, the Skyrest Bridge. Later on, you will find her situated near Dunmire and she will inform the players that her assistance is available to them and this is where the Lampbearer can upgrade the Sanquinaryx.
Upgrade Material of Sanguinarix
Now that we unlocked the Sanquinaryx upgrade feature, knowing how to upgrade this sacred item is the next step. Players can upgrade the Sanguinarix by speaking to Pieta and handing over a special material called Saintly Quintessence. A rare material, made specifically to make this healing tool's powers. As the Sanquinaryx reaches different heights of upgrades, it also adds more additional buffs to it or increases its total charges and healing potency.
How to get Saintly Quintessence in Lords of the Fallen
Saintly Quintessence is one of the rarest items in Lords of the Fallen (Lotf). Scattered across its world in the form of enemy drops, general loot located in various places, or can be found in treasure chests, hidden in secret areas. The world of Lords of the Fallen is vast and intricate. Not to mention players need to keep an eye on two realms in finding these rare loots.
Sanguinarix Upgrades in Lords of the Fallen
The Sanguinarix can be upgraded for the first time after defeating Pieta and interacting with her in Skyrest Bridge. She is the NPC in charge of the upgrades for your Sanguinarix. You have to present her an increasing amount of Santintly Quintessence in order to keep leveling up this restorative item. Players will need to deliver her x20 Saintly Quintessence to be able to max out the Sanguinarix at +10.
Upgrade Level | Charges | Recovery % | Item Required |
Sanguinarix +0 |
3 | +0% HP Recovery | - |
Sanguinarix +1 |
4 | +20% HP Recovery | ![]() |
Sanguinarix +2 |
4 | +35% HP Recovery | ![]() |
Sanguinarix +3 |
5 | +50% HP Recovery | ![]() |
Sanguinarix +4 |
5 | +65% HP Recovery | ![]() |
Sanguinarix +5 |
6 | +75% HP Recovery | ![]() |
Sanguinarix +6 |
6 | +85% HP Recovery | ![]() |
Sanguinarix +7 |
7 | +90% HP Recovery | ![]() |
Sanguinarix +8 |
7 | +95% HP Recovery | ![]() |
Sanguinarix +9 |
8 | +100% HP Recovery | ![]() |
Sanguinarix +10 |
9 | +110% HP Recovery | ![]() |
What is an Umbral Lamp in Lords of the Fallen
The Umbral Lamp in Lords of the Fallen is one most important tools in the game as it provides monumental advantages in both combat and exploration. Its pivotal role can be expanded further by certain upgrades that will further aid the Lampbearer in his quest to defeat the demon god Adyr. Upgrading the Umbral Lamp can be accessed by speaking to Molhu in Skyrest Bridge, the Lampbearer's main hub.
Umbral Lamp Upgrade Benefits
Like the Sanquinaryx, the Umbral grows and receives additional features after upgrading it. Such as having more Eyes that players can socket to, or even increasing its Soulflay Charges. As well as improve status resistance from Dread. Upgrading the Umbral Lamp is one of the things that players should prioritize as it can be a wondrous tool that is beneficial in many aspects. Players on the other hand need Antediluvian Chisel for them to upgrade the Umbral Lamp.
Umbral Lamp Upgrades in Lords of the Fallen
Upgrading the Umbral Lamp requires a Antediluvian Chest per level. Being able to upgrade the Lamp up to +3, players will need a total of x3 Antediluvian Chisel.
Level |
Upgrades |
Requirements |
+0 (Base level) |
- |
+1 |
![]() |
+2 |
![]() |
+3 |
![]() |
Taking Advantage of Soulflay Charges
One of the reasons why players need to upgrade their Umbral Lamp is to increase the number of Soulflay Charges. A Soulflay is a feature in combat wherein the Umbral Lamp will siphon the soul of the enemy out from its mortal coil. While the soul is exposed, players can then deal damage to it, resulting in immense damage overall to the target. Use the Soulflay to overcome challenging foes and anyone will find it a good strategy to exploit.
Where to Acquire Antediluvian Chisel in Lords of the Fallen?
It is expected that the Antediluvian Chisel is a rare material scattered across the realm. Players can get it as general loot from secret areas, hidden treasure chests, and drops from elite and major bosses.
Where to upgrade the Umbral Lamp in Lords of the Fallen
Players have to interact with Molhu in Skyrest Bridge and bring him an Antediluvian Chisel, in order to be able to upgrade the Umbral Lamp.
Socketing Umbral Eyes
Each Umbral Eye has a different effect, depending on what socket you will slot it into. This feature adds another layer of possible augments to your character build. Players can take advantage of a wide variety of added effects that Umbral Eyes provides. As usual, it is expected that Umbral Eyes can be obtained as drops from enemies or rare loot in the realm.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Does anyone know if Deralium can be purchased as needed? If not I sure hope so. I am always trying to experiment with other weapons but the crafting mats are holding that back.