
forsworn armour tincts the lords of the fallen wiki guide 100px


Allows you to change the colour of your armour.

While those who wield a blade for themselves might occasionally be condemned as being of low character, those who do so in the name of an approved creed or dogma often receive admiration instead, the screams of their victims drowned out by a chorus of righteous endorsement.

Forsworn is one of the Armour Tincts available in Lords of the Fallen (LotF). Forsworn is a tincture for altering armor color, representing the admiration and endorsement received by those who wield a blade in the name of an approved creed or dogma.. 


How to get Forsworn in Lords of the Fallen

Forsworn can be found in the following Location:

  • Defiled Sepulchre: In the second chamber of this location, you'll be given a short combat tutorial while fighting two Corrupted Penitents. To progress forward, you have to destroy some vines blocking the way forward at the top of some stairs. Past it, you'll get a jumping tutorial where you have to jump over a hole. Instead of jumping across, fall into the hole to find the Forsworn Armor Tinct.

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Forsworn use in Lords of the Fallen

Forsworn can be used to dye your Armor


Lords of the Fallen Forsworn Notes & Tips

  • Other notes and player tips go here
Lords of the Fallen (LOTF) Armour Tincts
Ancient  ♦  Argent Hero  ♦  Ashen  ♦  Blood Duke  ♦  Bonelord  ♦  Butcher  ♦  Castigated  ♦  Charred Lord  ♦  Chosen  ♦  Commander  ♦  Contempt  ♦  Dark Oath  ♦  Dawnblade  ♦  Devastator  ♦  Eerie  ♦  Errant  ♦  Exalted  ♦  Exclusive Bronze Tinct  ♦  Exclusive Gold Tinct  ♦  Exclusive Silver Tinct  ♦  Exemplar  ♦  Familiar  ♦  Flesh-Tearer  ♦  Guardian  ♦  Hand-Collector  ♦  Harbinger  ♦  Hungering Shadow  ♦  Icegrip  ♦  Justiciar  ♦  Lawless  ♦  Layman  ♦  Livid Hatred  ♦  Malice  ♦  Martyr  ♦  Nohuta  ♦  Oathbreaker  ♦  Paragon  ♦  Pious  ♦  Pridebound  ♦  Rotting Glory  ♦  Sellsword  ♦  Stalker  ♦  Starved  ♦  Steam Community - Full Black Tinct  ♦  Steam Community - Full White Tinct  ♦  Steam Community - Umbral Blue Tinct  ♦  Sufferer  ♦  Supplicant  ♦  The Relinquished  ♦  Venator  ♦  Warlord


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    • Anonymous

      Unless I'm just not able to figure out the path back, this is actually missable if you get to the first Vestige before picking it up.

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