
hand collector armour tincts the lords of the fallen wiki guide 100px


Allows you to change the colour of your armour.

The Rhogar take pride in severing the hands of their victims, for while seen as nothing but brutal mutilation to others, to the Rhogar - and certain Adyr-worshippers - it is an act of tribute to their creator and serves as a reminder that Adyr's reach is omnipresent and eternal.

Hand-Collector is one of the Armour Tincts available in Lords of the Fallen (LotF). Hand-Collector is a tincture allowing color changes, symbolizing the Rhogar's act of severing hands as tribute to their creator, Adyr.. 


How to get Hand-Collector in Lords of the Fallen

Hand-Collector can be found in the following Location:

Shrine of Adyr at the Vestige of Betrayed Eliard.


Hand-Collector use in Lords of the Fallen

Hand-Collector can be used to dye your Armor


Lords of the Fallen Hand-Collector Notes & Tips

  • Other notes and player tips go here
Lords of the Fallen (LOTF) Armour Tincts
Ancient  ♦  Argent Hero  ♦  Ashen  ♦  Blood Duke  ♦  Bonelord  ♦  Butcher  ♦  Castigated  ♦  Charred Lord  ♦  Chosen  ♦  Commander  ♦  Contempt  ♦  Dark Oath  ♦  Dawnblade  ♦  Devastator  ♦  Eerie  ♦  Errant  ♦  Exalted  ♦  Exclusive Bronze Tinct  ♦  Exclusive Gold Tinct  ♦  Exclusive Silver Tinct  ♦  Exemplar  ♦  Familiar  ♦  Flesh-Tearer  ♦  Forsworn  ♦  Guardian  ♦  Harbinger  ♦  Hungering Shadow  ♦  Icegrip  ♦  Justiciar  ♦  Lawless  ♦  Layman  ♦  Livid Hatred  ♦  Malice  ♦  Martyr  ♦  Nohuta  ♦  Oathbreaker  ♦  Paragon  ♦  Pious  ♦  Pridebound  ♦  Rotting Glory  ♦  Sellsword  ♦  Stalker  ♦  Starved  ♦  Steam Community - Full Black Tinct  ♦  Steam Community - Full White Tinct  ♦  Steam Community - Umbral Blue Tinct  ♦  Sufferer  ♦  Supplicant  ♦  The Relinquished  ♦  Venator  ♦  Warlord


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