
guardian armour tincts the lords of the fallen wiki guide 100px


Allows you to change the colour of your armour.

Whatever colours they wore throughout their history, there were always Calrath Guardsmen overzealous in their duties in an effort to prove themselves of value to the city's wealthy and powerful, efforts rarely noticed, let alone rewarded.

Guardian is one of the Armour Tincts available in Lords of the Fallen (LotF). Guardian is a tincture that changes your armor's color, reflecting the zealous duty of Calrath Guardsmen who aimed to prove their worth to the city's powerful.. 


How to get Guardian in Lords of the Fallen

Guardian can be found in the following Location:

  • Lower Calrath: After obtaining the Prole Set, head further down you'll find some Seared Souls and a large hole in the wall. You'll have to drop here but do so very carefully and try to aim for a spot that's safe from the mines. Touching them will result in a small blast. After you carefully avoid them and head out of the alley, you'll be greeted by a Trapper and a Raw Mangler. From here head on the path straight ahead first but head up the raised ground on your right. You'll be greeted by a Seared Soul that'll use fire attacks against you. Head to the left of the house and into a narrow path where you can pick up x2 Ammunition Pouches and Small Manastone Clusters. Keep going to pick up the Guardian Armour Tinct from another corpse.


Guardian use in Lords of the Fallen

Guardian can be used to dye your Armor


Lords of the Fallen Guardian Notes & Tips

  • Other notes and player tips go here
Lords of the Fallen (LOTF) Armour Tincts
Ancient  ♦  Argent Hero  ♦  Ashen  ♦  Blood Duke  ♦  Bonelord  ♦  Butcher  ♦  Castigated  ♦  Charred Lord  ♦  Chosen  ♦  Commander  ♦  Contempt  ♦  Dark Oath  ♦  Dawnblade  ♦  Devastator  ♦  Eerie  ♦  Errant  ♦  Exalted  ♦  Exclusive Bronze Tinct  ♦  Exclusive Gold Tinct  ♦  Exclusive Silver Tinct  ♦  Exemplar  ♦  Familiar  ♦  Flesh-Tearer  ♦  Forsworn  ♦  Hand-Collector  ♦  Harbinger  ♦  Hungering Shadow  ♦  Icegrip  ♦  Justiciar  ♦  Lawless  ♦  Layman  ♦  Livid Hatred  ♦  Malice  ♦  Martyr  ♦  Nohuta  ♦  Oathbreaker  ♦  Paragon  ♦  Pious  ♦  Pridebound  ♦  Rotting Glory  ♦  Sellsword  ♦  Stalker  ♦  Starved  ♦  Steam Community - Full Black Tinct  ♦  Steam Community - Full White Tinct  ♦  Steam Community - Umbral Blue Tinct  ♦  Sufferer  ♦  Supplicant  ♦  The Relinquished  ♦  Venator  ♦  Warlord


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