
oathbreaker armour tincts the lords of the fallen wiki guide 100px


Allows you to change the colour of your armour.

Any soldier of Mournstead who broke the oath he had sworn to defend his kingdom was branded a blackguard and traitor and offered no clemency, whatever former honours he might have received.

Oathbreaker is one of the Armour Tincts available in Lords of the Fallen (LotF). Oathbreaker is a tincture for changing armor color, representing the branding of soldiers who broke their oaths.. 


How to get Oathbreaker in Lords of the Fallen

Oathbreaker can be found in the following Location:

  • Upper Calrath B (accessed after completing the "Cistern" location):  Back on the platform where the Infernal Enchantress was, look around above you to find the target you need to Soulflay in order to get rid of the tumor. Hop back down and bypass the gate in Umbral. Following the path, you'll eventually find an Emergence Effigy on your left if you need to transition back to Axiom. Pick up the Oathbreaker Armour Tinct on the corpse as you head through the short tunnel.


Oathbreaker use in Lords of the Fallen

Oathbreaker can be used to dye your Armor


Lords of the Fallen Oathbreaker Notes & Tips

  • Other notes and player tips go here
Lords of the Fallen (LOTF) Armour Tincts
Ancient  ♦  Argent Hero  ♦  Ashen  ♦  Blood Duke  ♦  Bonelord  ♦  Butcher  ♦  Castigated  ♦  Charred Lord  ♦  Chosen  ♦  Commander  ♦  Contempt  ♦  Dark Oath  ♦  Dawnblade  ♦  Devastator  ♦  Eerie  ♦  Errant  ♦  Exalted  ♦  Exclusive Bronze Tinct  ♦  Exclusive Gold Tinct  ♦  Exclusive Silver Tinct  ♦  Exemplar  ♦  Familiar  ♦  Flesh-Tearer  ♦  Forsworn  ♦  Guardian  ♦  Hand-Collector  ♦  Harbinger  ♦  Hungering Shadow  ♦  Icegrip  ♦  Justiciar  ♦  Lawless  ♦  Layman  ♦  Livid Hatred  ♦  Malice  ♦  Martyr  ♦  Nohuta  ♦  Paragon  ♦  Pious  ♦  Pridebound  ♦  Rotting Glory  ♦  Sellsword  ♦  Stalker  ♦  Starved  ♦  Steam Community - Full Black Tinct  ♦  Steam Community - Full White Tinct  ♦  Steam Community - Umbral Blue Tinct  ♦  Sufferer  ♦  Supplicant  ♦  The Relinquished  ♦  Venator  ♦  Warlord


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