Umbral Eye of Iorelo the Cursed Knight

umbral eye of iorelo the cursed knight umbral eye item lords of the fallen wiki guide 150px


Main Socket effect: Increased Soulflay stun duration.

Secondary Socket effect: +25% dread resistance.

Umbral Eye of Iorelo the Cursed Knight is one of the Umbral Eyes available in Lords of the Fallen (LotF). Umbral Eye of Iorelo the Cursed Knight is a relic that extends Soulflay stun duration and strengthens dread resistance.


Where to Find Umbral Eye of Iorelo the Cursed Knight in Lords of the Fallen

Umbral Eye of Iorelo the Cursed Knight can be found in the following Location:

umbral eye of iorelo the cursed knight location pilgrims perch lotf wiki guide 600px


Lords of the Fallen Umbral Eye of Iorelo the Cursed Knight Effects

Umbral Eye of Iorelo the Cursed Knight can be inserted into your Umbral Lamp. The effects vary according to which slot you insert it into

  • Main Socket effect: Increased Soulflay stun duration.
  • Secondary Socket effect: +25% dread resistance.



Lords of the Fallen Umbral Eye of Iorelo the Cursed Knight Notes & Tips

  • Each type of LotF Umbral Eye has a unique effect, and players can insert them into specific slots on the Umbral Lamp
  • Other notes and player tips go here



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    • Anonymous

      I tested Dread Resistance (DR). I timed different setups. I did this when my Umbral Lamp was upgraded to +2, which allegedly gives +20% DR. When I talk about "first eye" and "second eye" I refer to those small extra eyes that show up next to the large one. The second eye indicates the start of the 1.2x multiplier and the third eye indicates the 2.0x multiplier. Red eye refers to when the eye turns red and the Scarlet Shadow shows up which also indicates the start of the 3.0x multiplier. There's a thin white circle around the large eye that indicates the progression of dread, but it is misleading. The circle moves progressively faster, with the last quarter of the circle moving much faster than the first. As you can see below, Mother's Watch provides roughly 25% DR. And that 25% DR adds roughly 1 min and 45 seconds before the Scarlet Shadow shows up. However, having both 25% DR and Mother's watch adds just over 5 minutes before the Scarlet Shadow shows up. So there's some multiplicative scaling going on with DR.

      With no dread resistance (other than the 20% from lamp upgrade):
      First eye: 2:03
      Second eye: 3:03
      Third eye: 4:24
      Red eye: 5:10

      With Mother's Watch (and +2 lamp):
      First eye: 2:50
      Second eye: 5:00
      Third eye: 6:10
      Red eye: 6:50

      With 25% Dread resistance from umbral eye socket (and +2 lamp):
      First eye: 2:47
      Second eye: 4:47
      Third eye: 6:17
      Red eye: 6:56

      With 25% DR and Mother's Watch (and +2 lamp):
      First eye: 4:19
      Second eye: 7:19
      Third eye: 9:21
      Red eye: 10:21

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