Infernal Decree

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TypeInferno Spell

Mana Cost39


Summon a rain of infernal swords from the sky.


Radiance none

Inferno 35

Inferno catalyst


Infernal Decree is one of the Inferno Spell available in Lords of the Fallen (LotF). Infernal Decree Infernal Decree is an Inferno Spell that summons a rain of infernal swords from the sky. These swords rain down, damaging enemies in their path. To cast this spell, you need an Inferno Catalyst. Spells in Lords of the Fallen (LOTF) are special powers that allow the player to do a variety of game-changing actions such as boosting his damage, summoning creatures and entities, and even carpeting the field with magical explosions. Magic can be acquired from looting, by defeating enemies, and can be bought from Merchants.


Where to Find Infernal Decree in Lords of the Fallen

Infernal Decree can be found in the following Location:


LOTF Infernal Decree Notes & Tips

  • Hidden Lore: Adyr possessed an especially keen enmity towards those humans who styled themselves rulers, kings included, and so found satisfaction in the knowledge that deep inside the monstrous Bramis XVII remained a fragment of his former self, which only exacerbated the king's torment. (Requires Inferno to unlock)
  • Other notes and player tips go here



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    • Anonymous

      This spell just rains regular rain down when I cast it. It restores a single hit point to all creatures caught in the rain unless it's the cold area where it just fills your frostbite bar a little. Some other kid said santa isnt real but i know he is cause i saw'd him. Saw'd him right in half. His blood taste like candy canes and sorrow.

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