
condemned class lords of the fallen wiki guide 200px

Starting Level: 1


broken bucket melee weapon lords of the fallen wiki guide 100px
empty class slot
throwing hand the lords of the fallen wiki guide 100px
throwing rock ammunition the lords of the fallen wiki guide 100px
empty class slot
empty class slot


condemned head cage head lords of the fallen wiki guide 100px
condemned garb chest lords of fallen wiki guide 100px
condemned manacles arms lords of the fallen wiki guide 100px
condemned fetters legs lords of the fallen wiki guide 100px
empty class slot
empty class slot
empty class slot

Starting Items

sanguinarix consumables lords of the fallen wiki wide 100px
empty class slot
empty class slot
empty class slot
empty class slot

Ranged Slots

condemned ranged slots lords of the fallen wiki guide 150px

Condemned is a starting Class in Lords of the Fallen (LotF). Condemned is the hardest class to play, since it has overall lower stats than the other classes. Classes determine both the starting Equipment and Stats for players, but during the course of the game, players can decide to alter their build to a playstyle that suits them better. There are a total of 9 Starting Classes available in Lords of the Fallen (LOTF), as well as 4 that have to be unlocked.


A wretched prisoner who has suffered indescribable torments, whether there was ever any truth in their guilt or not. A class for those who would rage at fate and throttle adversity with unflinching, blood-soaked hands.


Lords of the Fallen Condemned Starting Equipment

This class starts with the following equipment:



Lords of the Fallen Condemned Starting items

This class starts with the following items:


Classes Video Guide



Lords of the Fallen Condemned Notes & Tips

  • The Condemned is the worst starting class, stat-wise, since it has the lowest numbers all around.
  • Experienced players may decide to pick the Condemned to add an extra layer of difficulty to the game.
  • Only reserved for hardcore players or players who really want a challenge. Definitely, not recommended for beginners or newcomers to the genre.
  • Condemned starts the game at level 1, being the lowest level of all 9 available Classes.
  • Notes, Tips, and Trivia go here



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    • Anonymous

      If you plan to trophy hunts or plan to do multiple endings. This starting class suits that really well.

      Its not as intimidating as it sounds. You start as LVL 1 but this is solid as other classes tend to start on 10+ higher. Which means leveling up early is slow.
      While with Condemmed you can just dump every easy level gain in Vitality and be lvl 10 with 18 Vitality which is great.

      • Anonymous

        Considering it says pick at your own risk, it feels kinda op so far. Out of all the classes i have found this to be the easiest to use

        • Anonymous

          this is the best class by far.

          Wanna spin to win with buckets? Check
          Wanna have more fun with this piss easy of a game? Check
          Wanna have the most flexibility and the absolute headstart in any stat? Check
          Wanna play multiple characters in your one playthrough and try every weapon and spell out across the 4 respecs you get while staying minmaxed? check

          • Anonymous

            I have to say the Bucket are quite good, truly! xD
            The moveset is cool and the follow up with a kick feels nice.

          Load more
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