
lord classes lords of the fallen wiki guide 200px

Starting Level: 23


lord axe melee weapon lords of the fallen wiki guide 100px
lord catalyst lords of the fallen wiki guide 100px
adyrs endurance spells lords of the fallen wiki wide 100px
infernal weapon spells lords of the fallen wiki wide 100px
infernal slash spells lords of the fallen wiki wide 100px


lord mask lords of the fallen wiki guide 100px
lord armour chest lords of fallen wiki guide 100px
lord gauntlets arms lords of the fallen wiki guide 100px
lord leggings legs lords of the fallen wiki guide 100px
ring of bones accessories lords of the fallen wiki wide 100px
ring of duty accessories lords of the fallen wiki wide 100px

Starting Items

sanguinarix consumables lords of the fallen wiki wide 100px
large manastone cluster consumables lords of the fallen wiki wide 100px


strength class stat lords of the fallen wiki guide 22pxStrength 12

agility class stat lords of the fallen wiki guide 22pxAgility 8

endurance class stat lords of the fallen wiki guide 22pxEndurance 13

vitality class stat lords of the fallen wiki guide 22pxVitality 13

radiance class stat lords of the fallen wiki guide 22pxRadiance 8

inferno class stat lords of the fallen wiki guide 22pxInferno 22

Ranged Slots

pyric cultist ranged slots lords of the fallen wiki guide 150px

Lord is a Class in Lords of the Fallen (LotF). Lord is a powerful Class that excels at spellcasting with a high amount of points in Inferno, but is also a competent close-range fighter. The Lord Class is unlocked after achieving the Inferno EndingClasses determine both the starting Equipment and Stats for players, but during the course of the game, players can decide to alter their build to a playstyle that suits them better. There are a total of 9 Starting Classes available in Lords of the Fallen (LOTF), as well as 4 that have to be unlocked.


Gifted with the inhuman strength and ferocity of the Rhogar as reward for their loyalty to Adyr, this exalted warrior carries out the will of their god while leaving a trail of butchery and incineration in their wake. An accessible class which trades mobility and speed for sheer power.


Lords of the Fallen Lord Starting Equipment

This class starts with the following equipment:





Lords of the Fallen Lord Starting items

This class starts with the following items:


Classes Video Guide



How to unlock the Lord class in Lords of the Fallen

  • In order to unlock the Lord class in Lords of the Fallen, players have to achieve the Inferno Ending. This ending is achieved by siding with Adyr, thus not cleansing any beacon and also retrieving the Rune of Adyr at Women's Area, to then, open Bramis' castle door with it.
    • Please consult our Endings page if you want to learn more about how to achieve this specific ending.


Lords of the Fallen Lord Notes & Tips

  • Lord is NOT a starting class. This class is only available after completing the game once and is rewarded if the player has achieved the Inferno Ending. You cannot swap classes to this class for NG+, you have to start a new character
  • Lord starts the game as the highest leveled class at level 23, with the Radiant Purifier at a close second at level 22.
  • Lord is the only class that starts the game with two Rings.
  • A fierce looking battle mage, Lord gets up close and personal without losing a step, while also being able to cast powerful Spells. It starts with three Spells that fulfil different roles: Adyr's Endurance increases Stamina regeneration, allowing to increase the amount of attacks it can perform without depleting the resource.  Infernal Weapon allows the Lord to imbue the equipped weapon with fire, causing Fire Damage and finally, Infernal Slash creates a pair of infernal axes that deal damage in an explosive blow.



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    • Anonymous

      This is definitely a top three class good stat distribution ,great armor ,the axe is nutty and the starting spells set you up for a buff machine build, it’s like the inferno equivalent of dark crusader

      • Anonymous

        I'm confused. "Lord is NOT a starting class. This class is only available in New Game Plus". So you can choose new class in NG+? What about your stats then from last NG? Looking other forums and can't find tanthing about it. Is this written corectly? I want to know cuz I want to play Inferno charachter on my 2nd playthrough but I'm not intrested in NG+ so if you can't play Lord on normal NG I will go for a Cultist but if you can then I need to go for an Inferno ending on my 1st play.

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