Hallowed Knight

hallowed knight class lords of the fallen wiki guide 200px

Starting Level: 15


hallowed knight sword melee weapon lords of the fallen wiki guide 100px
hallowed knight shield melee weapon lords of the fallen wiki guide 100px
throwing hand the lords of the fallen wiki guide 100px
grenade ammunition the lords of the fallen wiki guide 100px
empty class slot
empty class slot


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hallowed knight gauntlets arms lords of the fallen wiki guide 100px
hallowed knight leggings legs lords of the fallen wiki guide 100px
hallowed knight armour chest lords of fallen wiki guide 100px
empty class slot
empty class slot
empty class slot

Starting Items

sanguinarix consumables lords of the fallen wiki wide 100px
empty class slot
empty class slot
empty class slot


strength class stat lords of the fallen wiki guide 22pxStrength 12

agility class stat lords of the fallen wiki guide 22pxAgility 8

endurance class stat lords of the fallen wiki guide 22pxEndurance 15

vitality class stat lords of the fallen wiki guide 22pxVitality 11

radiance class stat lords of the fallen wiki guide 22pxRadiance 9

inferno class stat lords of the fallen wiki guide 22pxInferno 8

Ranged Slots

hallowed knight ranged slots lords of the fallen wiki guide 150px

Hallowed Knight is a starting Class in Lords of the Fallen (LotF). Hallowed Knight excels in Endurance and Vitality, making it the ideal class for beginners. Classes determine both the starting Equipment and Stats for players, but during the course of the game, players can decide to alter their build to a playstyle that suits them better. There are a total of 9 Starting Classes available in Lords of the Fallen (LOTF), as well as 4 that have to be unlocked.


A stalwart knight whose loyalty to the Cleric and the Hallowed Sentinels is matched only by their determination to destroy Adyr and the Rhogar. A class focused on physical prowess bolstered by Radiance.


Lords of the Fallen Hallowed Knight Starting Equipment

This class starts with the following equipment:



Lords of the Fallen Hallowed Knight Starting items

This class starts with the following items:


Classes Video Guide



LOTF Hallowed Knight Builds

 The following Builds select Hallowed Knight as their starting Class:

LOFT Paladin Build: Radiance


A Radiance build focusing on beginner-friendly high health and damage, supported by radiant spells.

LOFT Strength Build: Lord of Cinder


A Strength build using a longsword and crossbow to deal devastating damage while maintaining high health.

Lord of Cinder Written Guide




Lords of the Fallen Hallowed Knight Notes & Tips

  • The Hallowed Knight embodies the appearance of a typical European knight in medieval times.
  • Of all the 9 Classes, the Hallowed Knight has the highest Endurance.
  • The Hallowed Knight is one of the best Classes for a beginner, given the high Endurance and high ranged ammo capacity. This grants beginners a more "permissive" class, letting them receive more damage before dying, until they learn the ropes of the game.
  • Hallowed Knight starts the game at level 15.
  • Notes, Tips, and Trivia go here



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    • Anonymous

      Basically Knight build/class from previous souls games as the other commenter says Vagabond from Elden Ring.

      • Anonymous

        This class is the Vagabond equivalent in terms of builds at meta level. So best class to pick if you want that sort of thing.

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