Stomund, Captain of the Fidelis

stomund captain of the fidelis npcs merchants lords of the fallen wiki guide 300px
Character NPC
Initial Location Skyrest Bridge

Stomund, Captain of the Fidelis is an NPC and a Merchant in Lords of the Fallen. Stomund, Captain of the Fidelis leads a group of good men and women who are fighting the possessed Hallowed Sentinels. He also speaks about how the Umbral Lamp and the Dark Crusaders are necessary evils in dire times. NPCs interact with players in different ways, even giving them Quests and rewards as they complete them.


And given that lamp was intended for me, should his Paladin fall, and yet here you are, lampbearer."


Click the following links to view the section of the guide:

  1. Lords of the Fallen (LotF) Where to Find Stomund
  2. Lords of the Fallen (LotF) Stomund Full Questline Walkthrough
  3. Lords of the Fallen (LotF) Stomund Merchant Inventory
  4. Lords of the Fallen (LotF) Stomund Notes and Other Tips



Where to find Stomund, Captain of the Fidelis in Lords of the Fallen

Stomund, Captain of the Fidelis can initially be found at Skyrest Bridge, near the Vestige of Ethryg.

  • This NPC moves toward the end of the Manse of the Hallowed Brothers, in a small garden before you formally enter the Abbey of the Hallowed Sisters, at the foot of the stairs.
  • This NPC moves to the inner courtyard in the Abbey of the Hallowed Sisters, where his location is hidden behind a breakable barrel. More detailed guide below.
  • This NPC moves to the stairway as you enter the Monastery in The Empyrean. Instead of Stomund, you will find his lifeless body impaled on the restored banner (if you give the 2 items he requested. Details can be found in the guide here).

NOTE: As soon as you find the Tattered Banner, return immediately to Stomund. If you open the door to the Empyrean, the game considers his questline failed and kills him.


Items/Rewards that drop upon completing Stomund's Questline:


Lords of the Fallen Stomund, Captain of the Fidelis Full Questline Walkthrough

You will find Stomund, Captain of the Fidelis standing in an archway next to a human-sized bell. He will first recognize the lamp you carry and address you as the "lampbearer" before he introduces himself. He goes on to tell you that the Umbral Lamp was originally intended for him, but the Exactors have found a new instrument, which is the Deathless One. Stomund is a leader among a group of men and women who have taken arms up against the corrupted sentinels, while he is wary of you at first, he indicates the possibility that your aims may align in the near future, or perhaps not.

After exhausting his dialogues, you can now interact with him again to view all his items for sale.


A Captain's Journey

After some time, we aren't exactly sure what triggered the movement of Stomund, Captain of the Fidelis, but he left his station in Skyrest Bridge a little bit after we explored parts of Upper Calrath, and after defeating The Spurned Progeny. When we returned to Skyrest Bridge, instead of Stomund standing next to the doorway, we found a note had been left for the Deathless One.

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This note is addressed to the Deathless One indicating that he is moving to a "bell door in Pilgrim's Perch." Take note that Stomund will also leave additional items like Map of Belled Rise and Pilgrim's Perch Key if not previously bought. Then, if you talk to Eustace and Nathaniel, the members of the Fidelis in Skyrest Bridge, they'll tell you that he's left for the Manse.

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Your next encounter with Stomund, Captain of the Fidelis will take place in the Manse of the Hallowed Brothers before you formally enter the Abbey. He is seen at the bottom of the steps that will lead into the Abbey of the Hallowed Sisters from a small garden. This area is unmissable and is part of the main path of the questline so just keep going until you reach this area.

He tells you that he is hesitating to trespass because of the orders of the old world, however, he shares with you that the Immaculate Lady awaits him, forcing him to do so. He goes on to tell you that he needs to speak with Judge Cleric and seeks an audience with her so she will know what has become of the Hallowed Sentinels.

After exhausting his dialogues, check the additional items now available in his Merchant inventory. Additionally. you will need two things in your upcoming task for Stomund's quest:

  • Damaged Standard - Once you reach the end of the Manse of the Hallowed Brothers, go to the courtyard and proceed to the area marked with progression, then jump down the archway to the right. You will see another stairs at the edge with a blocked door nearby. You can access this room by taking out your lamp and peering into the Umbral realm. You will find an elevator inside, then use it to reach the underground cellar. Stay on the path and unlock the gate at the end to retrieve the Damaged Standard from the ankle-deep flood in the cellar.

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  • Tattered Banner - From the Main Altar in the abbey (this is the same arena as Rapturous Huntress of the Dusk where you will interact with the Rune of Adyr). While facing the altar, go to the left side and go up by using 2 flights of stairs and head outside to the courtyard. You will find yourself in a large open area and a gazebo blocked by a gate in the distance. Peer into the Umbral Realm to bypass the gate and take the Saintly Quintessence by soulflaying the Umbral Tumor. Picking up this item will trigger an enemy to spawn behind you which will drop the Tattered Banner upon defeat.

1 stomund captain of the fidelis location guide npcs lords of the fallen wiki guide

Once you get inside the Abbey of the Hallowed Sisters, you will encounter Stomund once again after you unlock the gates. He is located in the garden surrounded by statues and trees at the bottom of the steps. You will see him there as soon as you enter. Then, he will move further again into the Abbey of the Hallowed Sisters.


Stomund's Location in the Abbey of the Hallowed Sisters

From the Vestige of Rosamund, enter the archway in front of the Vestige. This path is filled with enemies waiting in every section so defeat them carefully. Continue to follow the main path and go up the stairs to take you further into the Abbey. There is an Umbral Tumor blocking the way forward so to bypass this, cross over the Umbral Realm and Soulflay it to reveal the tunnel behind it that will take you to the inner area of the Abbey.

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Follow the stairs and go up where you will be fighting more enemies. At this point, you will find an Emergence Effigy at the foot of the stairs. Return to the Axiom Realm and head up the stairs again. Continue making your way to the top where you will be fighting an Ardent Penitent.

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After that, take two flights of stairs to the right and follow this path. Make a left until you reach the inner courtyard where enemies are surrounding the tree in the center. Look for the stairs on the left corner while facing the tree and head up the stairs once again. As soon as you reach the second floor, destroy the barrels and crates on your right to reveal the path to Stomund. He is standing in the hallway next to more barrels and crates. 

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When you meet him, he will ask you to bring 2 pieces of an ancient banner. The Damaged Standard is previously found  inside a locked cell in the underground cellar of the Manse (refer above), while the Tattered Banner is a drop from the Abbess that attacks the player on the second-floor balcony in the Abbey a little later after this encounter (see detailed guide above as well). There's a gazebo past the gate, you can cross this gate by taking out your Umral Lamp and facing it going in the direction of the gazebo. Then, retrieve the Saintly Quintessence to prompt an enemy to spawn, which will drop the Tattered Banner.

stomund abbey of the hallowed sisters lords of the fallen wiki guide

When you get the two items, bring them back to Stomund immediately. Be careful not to progress forward because we have reports that progressing further can fail his quest. As soon as you find him, make sure to check his Merchant Inventory as well as this will be your last encounter with him. After a while, once you reach The Empyrean, Stomund will disappear from your world, and his lifeless body will be found on the steps to the Monastery in The Empyrean, impaled upon the restored Banner of Our Immaculate Lady

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You can obtain Stomund's Armour, Stomund's Flail, and Stomund's Shield after completing the Abbey of the Hallowed Sisters. As you move towards The Empyrean, follow the main path from the Vestige of Iorelo the Cursed Knight and walk up the stairway. You will find his body together with the restored banner on the right side of the landing.

Picking up his items will mark A Captain's Journey quest as completed and you will gain the trophy: Faithful.


LoTF Stomund, Captain of the Fidelis Merchant Inventory

Item Name Item Type Cost Expansion by Location
Briostone Consumables 200 Vigor Default Inventory
Small Manastone Cluster Consumables 300 Vigor Default Inventory
Ammunition Pouch Consumables 500 Vigor Default Inventory
Mirror of Protection Consumables 1,000 Vigor Default Inventory
Hallowed Knight Sword Melee Weapons 600 Vigor Default Inventory
Blackfeather Ranger Axe Melee Weapons 450 Vigor Default Inventory
Church of Orian Radiance Greatshield Melee Weapons 1,125 Vigor Manse of the Hallowed Brothers (Expansion)
Flail of Holy Agony Melee Weapons 900 Vigor Manse of the Hallowed Brothers (Expansion)
Mournstead Infantry Spear Melee Weapons 450 Vigor Default Inventory
Old Mournstead Pike Melee Weapons 650 Vigor Default Inventory
Orian Preacher Shield Melee Weapons 200 Vigor Default Inventory
Mournstead Infantry Shield Melee Weapons 350 Vigor Default Inventory
Partisan Shield Melee Weapons 500 Vigor Default Inventory
Partisan Hood Armour 2,200 Vigor Manse of the Hallowed Brothers (Expansion)
Partisan Gauntlets Armour 1,800 Vigor Manse of the Hallowed Brothers (Expansion)
Partisan Armour Armour 2,500 Vigor Manse of the Hallowed Brothers (Expansion)
Partisan Leggings Armour 1,800 Vigor Manse of the Hallowed Brothers (Expansion)
Mournstead Infantry Gloves Armour 1,800 Vigor Manse of the Hallowed Brothers (Expansion)
Mournstead Infantry Helm Armour 2,200 Vigor Manse of the Hallowed Brothers (Expansion)
Mournstead Infantry Armour Armour 2,500 Vigor Manse of the Hallowed Brothers (Expansion)
Mournstead Infantry Leggings Armour 1,800 Vigor Manse of the Hallowed Brothers (Expansion)
Hallowed Knight Helm Armour 1,300 Vigor Default Inventory
Hallowed Knight Gauntlets Armour 1,000 Vigor Default Inventory
Hallowed Knight Leggings Armour 1,000 Vigor Default Inventory
Hallowed Knight Armour Armour 1,500 Vigor Default Inventory
Orian Preacher Catalyst Ammunition 1,500 Vigor Manse of the Hallowed Brothers (Expansion)
Poacher's Ring Rings 500 Vigor Manse of the Hallowed Brothers (Expansion)
Sovereign Protector's Ring Rings 3,000 Vigor Manse of the Hallowed Brothers (Expansion)
Ring of Duty Rings 3,000 Vigor Default Inventory
Ring of Eternal Faith Rings 3,000 Vigor Abbey of the Hallowed Sisters (Expansion)
Royal Council Ring Rings 3,000 Vigor Abbey of the Hallowed Sisters (Expansion)
Orian Sorcerer's Ring Rings 3,000 Vigor Abbey of the Hallowed Sisters (Expansion)
Invigorating Aura Spells tba Abbey of the Hallowed Sisters (Expansion)
Orius' Judgement Spells tba Abbey of the Hallowed Sisters (Expansion)
Pilgrim's Perch Key Quest Items 9,500 Vigor Default Inventory


Stomund Inventory Expansion - Manse of the Hallowed Brothers

Stomund Inventory Expansion - Abbey of the Hallowed Sisters


LOTF Stomund, Captain of the Fidelis Notes & Trivia

  • Notes and tips about this character go here



All NPCs in Lords of the Fallen (LOTF)
Andreas of Ebb  ♦  Bucketlord  ♦  Byron  ♦  Damarose the Marked  ♦  Drustan  ♦  Eustace  ♦  Exacter Dunmire  ♦  Forlorn Hound  ♦  Gerlinde  ♦  Iselle  ♦  Judge Cleric  ♦  Kukajin  ♦  Melchior  ♦  Molhu  ♦  Nathaniel  ♦  Pieta  ♦  Sparky  ♦  The Iron Wayfarer  ♦  Thehk-Ihir  ♦  Tortured Prisoner  ♦  Winterberry

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    • Anonymous

      Also, if you want to initiate Tancred's Mancatcher special attack, be sure to do Tancred with Stomund summoned before handing over the broken banner.

      • Anonymous

        When you have to make backup saves through a separate file, in case the game screw you over . . . you come to an understanding that there is something clearly wrong with the lead design. And by wrong, I mean " p u t r i d ".

        Thank god, I did that. Right before the rune of Adyr. Get my point : after the boss and Edgy Santa left with his christmass star for the tree, I explored the rest of the area and picked up the 2nd banner part ( looted the 1st too ) . And so, I though "good ! Onto the next zone ! I'll meet the Captain there to finish his quest, perhaps have him do somethin' by my side !" as ANY F-ING one would, on this planet, naturally think . . . . Little did I know the guy would lose himslef and that I would have to to backtrack to the previous level to complete a game of hide and seek, while I was waiting for him at the Empyrean, in front of the Boss !

        Anyway, I'm reaching the end of this journey. And I have to say : this game felt rushed from start to the finish line. Poorly written and assembled. A shame, because the ambiance, the core gameplay, the visuals, to some point the story telling through the umbra and the stigmates... all of this is pretty solid ! It's really good takes on the soul brand, fresh and it gets intuitive quite fast... the ranged gameplay feels strong and usefull ; dodging is smooth and parade works nicely. . . But d*mn there is so much frustration for nothing, here.

        I heard they planned to release a LOTF2 current 2026... ? They better have learned from their mistakes, because the narrative and NPCs' interractions straight up stinks.

        • Anonymous

          Ah yes another quest failed because I opened a door after a boss without backtracking. Amazing gane design these devs must think they're so brilliant.

          • Anonymous


            If you open the door a few feet after the vestige of iorelo the cursed knight without having given him the two pieces of the banner, he disappears and the quest is failed.

            Normally the cryptic quest design in this game is somewhat tolerable, but this is extra stupid because if you just happen to go up the wrong set of stairs after the huntress fight you'll fail. The game basically funnels you right into this door. I was actively looking for the section where the enemy with the banner spawns but happened to go the wrong way first. Lame af

            • Anonymous

              Really dumb that there are 3 side quests (and all sorts of info and lore missing) you fail on PURPOSE in this game if you don't follow an online forum (Winterberry, Stomund, Drustan)... IN THAT CASE MAKE AN OFFICIAL ONLINE FORUM AND LINK IT TO THE GAME ITSELF... How stupid... it's a mystery this forum exists.. It simply seems like the game was dev'd with a bunch of loose ends... No one would even know this forum exists.. these side quests exist. It just seems like really poor development with these characters who disappear, their stories left open...

              • Anonymous


                • Anonymous

                  The moment I opened the doors to Empyrean, without giving him the second part of that old tattered staff, he started to think that it was a dumb idea all along, so he just dropped it and went away to a far, far place. He has now a waifu and lives a simple, but happy life in a small hut in the sunny fields

                  • Anonymous

                    Dude hears someone else got volunteered for the cursed lämp duty and immediately rushes off to the nearest abbey full of nuns without even telling his men

                    • Anonymous

                      One of the worst quests in the game. Find the item he needs, take two steps forward without returning to him, he disappears. Honestly, who made this quest? Never let them near game design again.

                      • Anonymous

                        So I failed this guy's quest because the last Abbess near the Saintly Quintessence didn't spawn in when I went there so I never got the tattered banner to drop, so I ended up going and progressing thinking the next banner is further onwards in the Empyrean. Ended up coming here to figure out where and it turns out I missed it and failed his quest

                        What's the point of carrying on one of the most irritating features from Dark Souls that almost nobody truly enjoys. Untracked quests?.

                        • Anonymous

                          Can someone just trade his items with me for a second? I just need them for the trophy :p PSN: templarious001

                          • Anonymous

                            Can we stop pretending this is Dark Souls to the Devs?? Its not cute making failable quests based upon progress. When you have a refined staff to create quality environments, and finish the game, then get cute. But not doing your jobs well, then trying to copy a mechanic from Dark Souls…. Shows us all you cant compete with fromsoft. Ever.

                            • Anonymous

                              Confirmed. If you open the door leading to the Empyrean without giving him the 2nd part of the banner. He will leave your world forever.

                              Thankfully, all of his loots (except the banner, obviously) are droppable if you happen to fail his quest.

                              • Anonymous

                                Stomunde will disappear if you don't give him the 2nd banner prior to opening the doors in front of the Vestige of Iorelo the Cursed Night (The Empyrean).

                                You can take the lift up and activate this vestige. Just don't open the doors. Confirmed this because I backed up my save before opening the doors.

                                • Anonymous

                                  Interestingly, on my first playthrough I bought the key from him (9500 vigor that time) very early in the game because I suspected the doors were optional areas with powerful stuff. He leaved Skyrest right after and I hadn't even reached the swamp. Now on my 2nd playthrough, I just defeated the lava giant and he's still in skyrest.

                                  • Anonymous

                                    What's the lore implication of his death location? Did he impale himself? Or did a Hallowed Sentinel or the Judge Cleric herself do it to him?

                                    • Anonymous

                                      I gave him both items the second I got them and he was grateful etc etc I followed the guide of how to do it properly so I wouldn't mess it up.. His body isn't on the stairs though? I looked all up and down in that area. So weird.

                                      • Anonymous

                                        on another character just cleansing 2 beacons were enough for him to leave skyrest-one after hushed saint and one in calrath after lightreaper arena, now he left and i'm going to explore Fief

                                        • Anonymous

                                          If you go up the lift and trigger the empyrean vestige without giving him the banner, its game over for him, you need to get the banners and take them back straight away, the difference between success and failure is literally a single checkpoint forward from where you pick up the tattered banner.

                                          • Anonymous

                                            Discovered with 100% certainty what causes Stomund to move. After opening the doors to Upper Calrath from the elevator from the Cistern is his trigger to leave Skyrest.

                                            • Anonymous

                                              Think i finally know when this NPC leaves the skyrest cause i just did everything i could along with visiting 3rd beacon and now FINALLY oh finally it's a time, he is no longer in skyrest, he left! I got a key! FINALLY! I'm certain it was bc of 3rd beacon cause i visited skyrest 2 many times just to check on this damn NPC.

                                              • Anonymous

                                                i rly have no idea if this NPC can leave before we buy that damn KEY from him, i did everything there was to be done along with killing hollow crow, unbroken promise and lightreaper and he is still in skyrest... so either wiki is lying about not buying the key or i'm missing something, it's very unclear with this NPC
                                                i don't want to farm 18 000 for a key, thats BS (yes they increased the price lately) ehhhhh

                                                • Anonymous

                                                  so i killed The Spurned Progeny and explored all upper calrath up to mines and depth and i killed boss at depth and STOMUND is still at skyrest, so now i will go to fief and check if that forces him to leave cause i got no other path available

                                                  • Anonymous

                                                    This game has stupid easy breakable quests even worse than dark souls 1 ones if not following a guide. From Software had improved their quests on each subsequent souls. Most Elden Ring quests you can't fail even if you start them when next to the final boss. I hope they change this quest to be less missable.

                                                    • Anonymous

                                                      if you're on this page, it's probably too late for you too, but just in case it isn't, make sure that as soon as you get the tattered banner to IMMEDIATELY go back and give it to him. by the time I got to the gates of The Empyrean, he was already gone. no boss kills, no vestiges. it doesn't seem anyone knows where the cutoff is exactly, but at some point before The Empyrean, he disappears and you fail his quest.

                                                      • Anonymous

                                                        Seems like you might have to hand both items to him to him at the same time by the way. He's gone after giving just one before I could give the other

                                                        • Anonymous

                                                          Ran into a bug where I obtained both banners and ran back to him and he kept repeating the same two lines over and over with no option to give him the banners.
                                                          Then when I restarted my game he was gone.

                                                          • Anonymous

                                                            Help, i got the 2 banners and then i killed the main boss in Empyrean. Now he disappeared from Abby and his body is not in Empyrean. Did he just vanish in thin air? Is the quest bugged?

                                                            • Anonymous

                                                              Amyway to get the spells he sells if we have progressed to the empyrean? Ridiculous if we can't get them later.

                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                Is the tattered banner abbes soawn bugged? He’s currently in the Abby next to big tree. I’ve already given him the damaged standard. I then proceeded directly to the tattered banner location and haven’t progressed further than the tattered banner gazebo. When I soul flayed the saintly quintessence from the gazebo the abbes that should have spawned never did. Now I can’t get the tattered standard cause she never spawned. The guy is still next to tree saying to find the second part of the standard and bring it to him. What is going on?

                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                  I failed this entire questline because i got the banner and kept moving forward for like another 10 minues, got the emperyum and bam, hes gone forever.. so ****ing stupid. Make sure you go back to him as soon as you get the items, because its barely 5-10 minutes of gameplay after you do and youll break the entire quest.

                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                    So a warning is needed in the guide, but do not open the wooden door leading to the empyrean site or he will vanish, had both the standards, but decided to open the door to see what it was and bingo no more Stomund.

                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                      To find the standard go to the manse of the hallowed brothers page and it has a small guide on how to get it, its in the courtyard before the keyed up doors, behind a broken cart with a gate you have to umbral through.

                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                        You have to get banners before you reach him at Abbey of the Hallowed Sisters or else he's gone. Also before you get to the Empyrean

                                                                        • He disappear from skybridge after getting " map of the manse of the hallowed brothers " or entering that area I didn't defeat spurned and he disappeared on me after entering that area early game

                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                            I cannot find the damaged standard because it is locked behind a shortcut door. I've been looking for a way to get there for hours now, help

                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                              Please someone help. I killed the boss at the end of the empiryian and now he’s not in either location or skyrise and his body is not there either and I need a spell from him

                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                Is the tattered banner location actually accurate? I just killed the abbess shooting the laser beams at me in the small tower and she didn’t drop this, only a large mana stone, and she does not respawn.

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